Author Topic: Realm of the Mad God Megathread  (Read 22256 times)

What Is RotMG?
Realm of the mad god is a Bullet hell top down Perma-death shooter game made by Wildshadow Studios (later bought out by Kabam)
where you are transported into a realm by the Mad god, Oryx. Your goal is to defeat Oryx, by defeating his minions in the realm

How do you get powerful enough to beat Oryx?
There are multiple ways to make yourself stronger in this game, such as:

Getting Higher tier gear: as you kill tougher and tougher enemies, you'll find them drop better gear which will Improve your stats, armor and weapons go up to Tier 13, and rings and abilities go up to tier 6.

Drinking stat pots:after you hit level 20, you'll find yourself going deeper into the realm to the godlands, which house tons of different god enemies for you to slay, these gods have a chance of dropping stat potions, which will permanently increase one of your stats by one. these can also be dropped by dungeon bosses and High tier enemies such as event enemies and Oryx.

Getting a pet:Pet eggs can be found as drops commonly found from gods and lesser gods, pets have multiple abilities that they can use to help you in combat, ranging from healing you, to paralyzing your foes.

What classes are there?
there is a huge selection of classes, some examples are the Wizard, Priest, archer, Rogue and warrior. as you reach a higher level with each class you unlock other new ones to play as. each class has a different ability they can use.

What Happens when you die?
Thats it, your character is dead, you lose everything that is on that character, so be careful to not die.
when you die, you gain fame depending on how many enemies you kill, fame can be used to do things such as feeding pets, and entering the arena.


this is my first time making a OP so tell me how I did and give me any way to improve it.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 04:28:20 PM by Flatflyer »

BLF RotMG Players
Flatflyer  IGN:Flatflyer, Flatflyerl, Crtrx(friends old account that they gave to me)
Fastlex IGN: Emgiell, Turbostar
Camera: IGN: Erocaremac, Cameracore
Landmineman400 IGN: Grelokor
Zombiedude IGN: foxblf
Clone V.117 IGN: cloney
16-bit Yoshi IGN: yoshini
Mr_minecraft IGN:dudenoep
Reficul IGN: Ryuu
Rigel IGN: Rigelk
Tlp300 IGN: Hjklasdf
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 01:29:08 PM by Flatflyer »

I've always thought that the game was cute, and I've always admired the 8-bit graphics. This is one of the only games I am interested in getting into, and I've tried playing but I just can't understand it. What exactly do I kill? And also what is the objective?

I've always thought that the game was cute, and I've always admired the 8-bit graphics. This is one of the only games I am interested in getting into, and I've tried playing but I just can't understand it. What exactly do I kill? And also what is the objective?
Level up. Get better stuff.

Every server will go to the Mad God every hour or two on average, where every player on that server (servers being Medusa, etc not like US East, US Midwest) gets teleported into the boss battle against Oryx. This is shown by a rumbling earthquake and the screen going black.

More specifically, IIRC, the final battle is triggered once all of the overworld minibosses are killed.

my fondest memory of this game was going in to a pirate cave and finding an amazing bow then instantly dying to a pirate

my fondest memory of this game was going in to a pirate cave and finding an amazing bow then instantly dying to a pirate
dreadstump op



I have fond memories of this game, but I quit when Kazam took over. Adding microtransaction-buyable gear to this game essentially ruins the whole point of the roguelike aspect.

theyve recently made it better actually.

you can do these daily quest things which involve handing in a T6-T10 item, which will give you these gems you can use to get an random store item and more.

theyve recently made it better actually.

you can do these daily quest things which involve handing in a T6-T10 item, which will give you these gems you can use to get an random store item and more.


I might just join the game again.

I used to play this game all the time until I started to have problems with internet connection and feared losing my characters so I quit playing. I've lost far too many 6/8s due to lag.

this game has gone to stuff after kabam

Someone get Mikey555, he loves this game.


I might just join the game again.
yeah it kinda is what got me back into the game recently
though yesterday they stopped doing it for now to rework the items you can get cause getting T12 items from giving a guy a T8 item is kinda silly and destroys the market.

You can get dungeon keys too meaning it will be a lot easier to host private dungeons without spending tons of gold.

also word of advice to everyone, do NOT fight the boss of the Hardmode forest maze, when they switch to the third phase, all the minons is spawns bullets stack and this happens.

Dude don't forget the steam link