Author Topic: Knee problems building up. (Blogland topic)  (Read 983 times)

As some of you know, I regularly run and practice martial arts. The first and third putting a lot of stress on my knees. I found today during a martial arts session that the way my thigh points during the lower stance (80% weight on front foot) that I put far too muh stress on my knees which could build up to me wrecking them as I get older. This isn't something that running helps because even more stress is put on my knees, and am starting to experience regular pains after exercise. Its something I wanna put right because I don't want knee problems before I grow older, and want to remain fit and active at the same time. I can fix what I'm doing wrong in my martial arts, but it will take time, and I'm afraid the damage might have already been done because I've been doing this for the past 6 or so years.

Feel free to discuss problems with your joints or bodies as a result of exercise.


how we may help you?


how we may help you?
wowe so funi
Go run
I'd rather not right now, its 10:48pm.

sounds normal to me. my ankles are always in pain after playing soccer or running for long periods of time

sounds normal to me. my ankles are always in pain after playing soccer or running for long periods of time
That sounds reasonable, but soccer is different to martial arts and straight up long distance running, sure its more intesive from a physical aspect, but an hour and a half of martial arts can leave me with no energy but soccer leaves me with adrenalin.

thats because martial arts is intensive. fighting isnt supposed to take an hour and a half. its just exercise stress. it happens to everyone and it will never go away unless you force yourself to ignore it

But the thing is, the thing I'm doing wrong in martial arts is actually damaging my knees, not because its intesive, the fact is if I keep going this way I will have to live with bad knees and if its gonna happen I don't want that to happen right now where I'm fitter than I've ever been and other than my knees, feel fine physically.

Rest. Heal up.

Dynamic stretch before, static stretch after.
Knee problems might be improper forms on some things. When you squat or lunge you want to avoid letting your knees get too far in front of your toes because it puts a lot of stress on them.

have you tried wearing knee braces?

Rest. Heal up.

Dynamic stretch before, static stretch after.
Knee problems might be improper forms on some things. When you squat or lunge you want to avoid letting your knees get too far in front of your toes because it puts a lot of stress on them.
Thanks, that was helpful, I'm gonna skip my run tomorrow. I might stretch when I wake up though.
have you tried wearing knee braces?
No, I haven't. Might look into it though.

have you tried wearing knee braces?
forest Gump came to mind