Author Topic: researchhub scammed me for some stupid offer.  (Read 45149 times)

looks like OP feel for some master bait

xhamster? isnt that like the literal worst research site ever
um no

researchhub is for vanilla casuals

researchhub is for vanilla casuals
are you calling yourself a hardcore wanker?

who the heck clicks on ads on those kinds of sites

researchhub is for vanilla casuals
Agreed. researchHub is boring.

damn u guys r nasty,,,,,,

researchHub has stuffty video quality. If you actually want good video quality on that stuff website, you have to pay.
Also, how can you fall for one of those ad scams? You even said it looked fishy, why did you continue?

do you think it's a bestiality research website about cats?
That's furaffinity
or the furry megathread

I fell for stuff like this too.....when I was 8

anyone ever heard of xnxx
that's what i thought

I fell for stuff like this too.....when I was 5
I also fell for chain YouTube comments that go "blah blah blah
pst dis on 150 other videos or ull dy in 5 dys.

do you think it's a bestiality research website about cats?
i thought it was a database of cat videos. also, seek help