Author Topic: Drama  (Read 8009 times)

stop insulting
very mean
ok,now I know your doing that on purpose for sure

You're arguing.By who?It's our fault for being a richard to him just because he's too young to understand, and why would we argue with Blake for earning Blockland a sale as well as a new member of the community?
pipe down you almost made me cry you bully

The rest are him making a fool of himself, but I won't blame him for that because I probably would have done the same at his age.

You are not helping you're case; stop it. The people calling you Blake obviously know you're not Blake; they are continuing to post that because you're giving them these kinds of reactions.
see,i like this guy,thank you

Taboo is one of the more judgmental members of this forum; I would not go to him for a character reference, lol.

Blake is actually a decent user, I doubt racer & blake are the same user.

Blake is actually a decent user, I doubt racer & blake are the same user.
BEST.loving.POST.EVER!!!! your my new best friend. smartest post of the day

BEST.loving.POST.EVER!!!! your my new best friend. smartest post of the day
.....should i tell him

.....should i tell him
sshh, he wants to believe he's different
we'll tell him when he's older

.....should i tell him
...ya,why not. but get me a fez first,NO a bowtie,or a bowtie and a fez.

...ya,why not. but get me a fez first,NO a bowtie,or a bowtie and a fez.
okay actually have a bit of common sense, you're trying to support your 'drama', you won't get anything out of it by saying 'bowtie plz'.

okay actually have a bit of common sense, you're trying to support your 'drama', you won't get anything out of it by saying 'bowtie plz'.
can I have the fez?

can I have the fez?

shape up your act, you've already made a bad impression with this wonderful drama, you're now just digging a deeper hole.

shape up your act, you've already made a bad impression with this wonderful drama, you're now just digging a deeper hole.
but do I get my fez?