Author Topic: You guys are evil...  (Read 17130 times)

Lol, go have some buttlove together.
Bacon, how come you got a computer in the box you're living at.
And Vertzer, shouldnt you be fapping to some guys on 4chan?

Kind of hard to take you seriously when you are laughing as well. Anyways, some lame little petty insults aren't going to make me leave this thread or the community, I practicly stay on these forums only because of the drama and off topic areas.

And Vertzer, shouldnt you be fapping to some guys on 4chan?

Aren't you a friend as well?

I can stick it in the pooper!
Who cant?

I can take it in the pooper too =D

Yes infact, you're a homoloveual vegan emo. I hope your parents are proud.
1. Not homoloveual. BIloveUAL.
3. Not emo. JUST MYSELF.

I can take it in the pooper too =D
Although I never have and dont want to.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 12:49:37 PM by travismick »

Lol, go have some buttlove together.
Bacon, how come you got a computer in the box you're living at.
And Vertzer, shouldnt you be fapping to some guys on 4chan?
See, now you're just insulting us for no reason whatsoever.
The question at the beggining of all of this was: "Is it humanly possible for a guy like this to have a gf?" This was asked due to the fact that he wouldn't show me a picture, as Badspot mention he was simply asking for sympathy about his Jew fro and brought it upon himself.
Just to let you know I'm straight and go on 4chan way less than some of the other members of this community, don't want to call any names.

Lol, go have some buttlove together.
Bacon, how come you got a computer in the box you're living at.
And Vertzer, shouldnt you be fapping to some guys on 4chan?

Kind of hard to take you seriously when you are laughing as well. Anyways, some lame little petty insults aren't going to make me leave this thread or the community, I practicly stay on these forums only because of the drama and off topic areas.

And Vertzer, shouldnt you be fapping to some guys on 4chan?

Aren't you a friend as well?

I can stick it in the pooper!
Who cant?

I can take it in the pooper too =D

Yes infact, you're a homoloveual vegan emo. I hope your parents are proud.
And you're an ignorant idiot.

Ignorant towards what? The fact that we made him leave? should we all just bow down and start crying for his Jew fro?

Sampapa embarrassed himself, now he is permabanned.
Topic over.
He was just making a video to entertain us and you just attacked him.
Good job, another friend has ran off, eventually you guys are gonna make even Badspot leave.
Sampapa said:
"No Adio, I did not embaress myself. You Embarrsed me. I made that video out of plain fun.  It was ment to go to my friends at school. As we were gonna put together a video of us acting crazy. All for the Graduation video. Ass hats like you who have no friends, so they must pick, and put down others put me down and ruined me and my classmates fun.  You are the only one poking at me for it. Everyone at my school loved it. They are also making their own for graduation. Congratz adio. For making a fool of yourself. And Congrats on being a coward...cyber bully"
It's funny how he's all vulnurable now and reffers to cyber bullying, you should be old enough to understand that cyber bullying is everywhere on the internet, every single remark made can be taken as cyber bullying. Fuck you. There, cyber bullying, oh my!
I also find it quite hard to believe that Badspot will leave, he has a different attitude and look on the internet and doesn't give a slight crap on what anyone does or says on this forum.
Eat shit and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the shit out of his girlfriend.

And as a reply to the whole forum who will now start bitching at the three of us:



Instead of overusing an insult and a picture, why not make a reply that actually is hurtful to us?

Instead of overusing an insult and a picture, why not make a reply that actually is hurtful to us?
Why would I want to resort to Aviv's level?
I have to admit I did though with that last part about his gf, but all I did was throw out some facts and interesting points of view.
And that picture remains valid for this entire drama section of the forum, I simply love it and the person who posted it first is a man with true balls of steel.

I also have no need to insult you, you have said nothing meaningful in this entire thread, gtfo.

Instead of overusing an insult and a picture, why not make a reply that actually is hurtful to us?
Why would I want to resort to Aviv's level?
I have to admit I did though with that last part about his gf, but all I did was throw out some facts and interesting points of view.
And that picture remains valid for this entire drama section of the forum, I simply love it and the person who posted it first is a man with true balls of steel.

I also have no need to insult you, you have said nothing meaningful in this entire thread, gtfo.

You didn't say anything,too,you just typed on your keyboard.
EDIT : Osht didn't read meaningful

Fuck you. Eat shit and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the shit out of his girlfriend.
I demand a permaban.

I demand you grow a rooster and stop being so sensitive to virtual insults from people you don't know

Quit using that Partizan. You look like an idiot.

Bacon, I demand you to put yourself on a fry-pan.

Fuck you. Eat shit and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the shit out of his girlfriend.
I demand a permaban.
All you do is post in off-topic.
I demand a premaban for you are useless.

Quit using that Partizan. You look like an idiot.
The picture or the quote?

Fuck you. Eat shit and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the shit out of his girlfriend.
I demand a permaban.
All you do is post in off-topic.
I demand a premaban for you are useless.

Quit using that Partizan. You look like an idiot.
The picture or the quote?

Fuck you. Eat shit and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the shit out of his girlfriend.
I demand a permaban.
All you do is post in off-topic.
I demand a premaban for you are useless.

Quit using that Partizan. You look like an idiot.
The picture or the quote?

The picture with the quote. I mean, it was appropriate when it was first used (although not funny in the slightest) but if you're going throw it into every post it's just gonna loose its edge.

Partizan. I believe the phrase is "Eat stuff and die" not "Eat stuff and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the stuff out of his girlfriend"

Fuck you. Eat shit and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the shit out of his girlfriend.
I demand a permaban.
All you do is post in off-topic.
I demand a premaban for you are useless.

Quit using that Partizan. You look like an idiot.
The picture or the quote?
The hippo is certainly not critical.
I have made several decals and provide endless hours of fun in my servers :P
Other than that I was going to release a map, but the water got screwed up and I lost motivation.

Partizan. I believe the phrase is "Eat ice cream and die" not "Eat ice cream and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the ice cream out of his girlfriend"
I had to spice it up that time.

Fuck you. Eat shit and explode you homoloveual Jew who chockes the shit out of his girlfriend.
I demand a permaban.
All you do is post in off-topic.
I demand a premaban for you are useless.

Quit using that Partizan. You look like an idiot.
The picture or the quote?

The picture with the quote. I mean, it was appropriate when it was first used (although not funny in the slightest) but if you're going throw it into every post it's just gonna loose its edge.
yeah, I guess so.