Author Topic: Blockland, and why we can't have nice things.  (Read 15198 times)

Not to mention they might not even work well at all.
couldn't you just release them in modification discussion then if they need fixing :(

release with source files for someone else to fix them

Main problem is, i have done almost nothing on it.
Hence my problem with giving it out, it is not mine at all, as much as i would like to release it.
Isn't hydralisk the one who got a gf or something and decided he was too cool for bl and just hangs out in post real life pictures posting shirtless pics that make emo's pants pop open?
If so, release them, baddy didn't seem to care when avp pack got released, and if the creator just doesn't care anymore then why does it matter? Just release them in modification discussion.

if thats not him then please disregard but im pretty sure

Isn't hydralisk the one who got a gf or something and decided he was too cool for bl and just hangs out in post real life pictures posting shirtless pics that make emo's pants pop open?
If so, release them, baddy didn't seem to care when avp pack got released, and if the creator just doesn't care anymore then why does it matter? Just release them in modification discussion.

if thats not him then please disregard but im pretty sure

Haha oh wow.
Hydra is keeping his tabs on this topic.
We were using Dropbox for your reference and 6 files just got deleted.
I checked out our shared folder and guess which files are gone.
Don't worry Hydra, i said i wouldn't unless i had permission.
You can trust me. >_<

Haha oh wow.
Hydra is keeping his tabs on this topic.
We were using Dropbox for your reference and 6 files just got deleted.
I checked out our shared folder and guess which files are gone.
Don't worry Hydra, i said i wouldn't unless i had permission.
You can trust me. >_<
nevermind i am dumb.

really. I want the "the thing" thing lol
It will be perfect with my lab thing! dont delete stuff wtf

I didn't nor did he.
I was just mistaken.
Also, i only have 2 vehicles of the terran vehicle pack of him, that is all.

It's like that generic battle-of-the-lovees survival scenario where the point is for both sides to work together. Humans are stupid.

Excuse me? I've already published several unfinished projects in the path, and more recently literally every single add-on I've created that I could find (not lost in a mess of horrible backups).

Well thank god Arekan posted this topic. I'm not convinced you did this for any other reason to save face.

Calm the hell down and realize the fact that I'm not some crazy "oh god my add-ons yes my private add-ons yes nobody must have this yes look at this I am so cool" nut. I make tons of gamemodes for the purpose of providing people with something fun to play. I make tons of libraries for the purpose of making everything easier for other add-on developers. I couldn't care less about who actually has it. Do you realize how many people I had to deal with every single day after people noticed that Super Murder Mystery was public on GitHub (like several other things I've made)?

You've shown tons of working prototypes, I've even seen them on your server. When asked about them your excuses were usually non-existent or completely solvable by opening to the community. Maybe if you managed to actually accomplish this task, instead of circlejerking on your server for attention, the Blockland community would be enjoying the add-ons right now.

Yeah, well, sorry you have to deal with people who need help. It must be a real terrible thing, I really sympathize for you, as I'm sure you're the only person on planet Earth who has to deal with it. Seriously, if you can't deal with it, don't deal with it. At this point I'm sure everyone's already used to being disappointed by you.

nevermind i am dumb.

now I am worried he will delete the jurassic park stuff someday :(


now I am worried he will delete the jurassic park stuff someday :(
Don't give him ideas

I still don't understand this whole private add-ons thing, why limit everyone from using revolutionary/useful add-ons like that?
*cough* Filipe *cough*

how about we write a program to properly steal resource files from cache.db

then you just gotta save the datablock, export the file, boom vehicle/brick/weapon (partly) stolen

it won't work for scripts obviously but it's a start to combat private stuff


Though I agree of private add-ons, ruins the fun. Partially, it may be the best for us. Like City RPG distribution went crazy, then they got now all boring(ish). Sometimes, private add-ons can be really interesting to find in our goodie bag, but it wont be interesting enough when EVERYONE has it.