Author Topic: Blockland, and why we can't have nice things.  (Read 15253 times)

The only thing Badspot really needs to do with this game is add Steam Workshop support so that Steam users can get addons easier.
Workshop makes finding stuff slower...

Are you loving kidding me right now? Did you even bother to check timestamps? Even so, I was planning to do so roughly a month ago. If you really think I made that archive just to retaliate, how exactly would I have gone through two old USB drives with folder hell and about 9 archived installs of various operating systems? You sound like you're more interested in filling your daily quota for "let's make totally inconsiderate remarks without understanding the situation to sound cool" stuff than to actually contribute to the topic.

I cannot loving explain to you how many times I've actually come to you for help on stuff, asking if stuff was possible, and how many times you showed me working prototypes just to let me know that you had it and I was never going to get it. I can't imagine how many other people you've done this too. You keep bringing up the same like, 5 add-ons you released. Congrats, Murder Manor, stuff, loving revolutionary. Nobody is talking about your gamemodes.

And yeah, I guess I don't really fully understand the situation. Not many of us do. Only when you're confronted directly do you actually give a stuff.

It'd be nice if you could get your facts right before throwing accusations and assumptions around. All of these have been public since the beginning.

Yeah, real nice job on all the sarcasm. I'm sure you're proud of that one. Maybe you could actually try to understand that releasing large Add-Ons isn't just posting a link to a file.

Oh well yeah stuff there it is! Everything port's ever made. Finally I can run Blockland v20 with TF2 weapons in Docker. Didn't see you bragging about any of these on youtube, nice try though.

You keep bringing up the same like, 5 add-ons you released. Congrats, Murder Manor, stuff, loving revolutionary. Nobody is talking about your gamemodes.
Yet if you actually downloaded the .rar file you would see a hell of a lot more files than just "5 game modes". It has a lot, if not all of his add-ons inside of it. Don't try to start a fire with wood that you don't have.

Literally not the point in the slightest stretch of the imagination but whatever.

Literally not the point in the slightest stretch of the imagination but whatever.
How about you actually try to learn to code, not have every piece of code spoon-fed to you. The two best things port can do for you, is a sit-down personal guide or reference to add-ons that handle your problem

i don't think the point of this topic was ever supposed to be to point fingers at who's guilty and who's better

can we not just collectively decide that we're done with being special snowflakes and let other people play with our toys

Also, stop bashing on the modding community and demanding stuff, unless you want them to just give up on this game.

Rally, you're not very smart, huh.

Excuse me? I've already published several unfinished projects in the path, and more recently literally every single add-on I've created that I could find (not lost in a mess of horrible backups). Calm the hell down and realize the fact that I'm not some crazy "oh god my add-ons yes my private add-ons yes nobody must have this yes look at this I am so cool" nut. I make tons of gamemodes for the purpose of providing people with something fun to play. I make tons of libraries for the purpose of making everything easier for other add-on developers. I couldn't care less about who actually has it. Do you realize how many people I had to deal with every single day after people noticed that Super Murder Mystery was public on GitHub (like several other things I've made)?
im sorry port i didnt see :(( <3 xoxo

but seriously this topic is like one of the most successful topics in the history of the blf

especially since it's in drama

I can finally see why add on devs never want to publicly release add ons anymore.

Some people are swinging the pendulum to far in the other direction. It would be nice if a selfless person released everything they made to everyone always but calling anyone that doesn't release everything a richard is a bit too far.

I don't think modders need to release everything or anything they've made. I know i have a few add-ons that i'll never release.

I don't think modders need to release everything or anything they've made. I know i have a few add-ons that i'll never release.
you gonna try and justify that or

you gonna try and justify that or

You know, I'd actually release it to someone who was capable of doing something with it. There are maybe, 5 people on this forum that could improve and make better say, Land of Blocks for example. If I did release it to the public, it'd probably turn into the storm of stuffty City RPGs you've seen and I just don't want to see that happen.

can we not just collectively decide that we're done with being special snowflakes and let other people play with our toys

its just a joke dont flip out