Author Topic: High-School tips?  (Read 3114 times)

Well, I'm beginning high school tomorrow as a freshmen. Is there any tips i can borrow?

when you walk into school, dont piss off anyone. if you dont piss anyone off on your first day, Splendid! if you pissed someone off, bury yourself

Make sure to not catch Senioritis.

dont give a stuff what anyone thinks about you

Oh, and be prepared to see girls wearing shorts so short that their underwear is visible
atleast, thats what happened at my school

Anyway follow Alcatraz's advice, because how you do on your freshman year will affect your entire high school life

do your schoolwork

don't be annoying

that should cover all 4 years

make friends ASAP
you don't want to be the kid without any friends who gets thrown around easily

make sure you get to know your teachers and be friends with them
that has made school way easier for me

do your schoolwork

don't be annoying

that should cover all 4 years

make sure you get to know your teachers and be friends with them
that has made school way easier for me

These men

listen to them

just generally don't be a richard

there is no hyphen in "high school"

don't make enemies, but chances are you made friends in middle school, who will probably continue to be your friends, and that is enough. the social part of high school isn't going to matter in four years. just do your work

dont be annoying
walk on the right side of the hallway

also don't clump with your friends in the middle of a hallway

Oh, and be prepared to see girls wearing shorts so short that their underwear is visible
atleast, thats what happened at my school
this is the opposite of a problem

Don't go to school with spaghetti in your pockets.