Author Topic: Badministrators  (Read 6860 times)

Nuclear Bear. At some point, go to his Office RP server and read the rules. You will cringe. Hard.

Just to be fair, I did not make those rules. SimpleOS did while I was afk.

But yea, in my old office RP I got out of hand

Nuclear Bear. At some point, go to his Office RP server and read the rules. You will cringe. Hard.

How many of them actually do their job?
All of 'em except Nickpb.

Stop hating on loving Tezuni for hiring bad admins, if you're complaining about the current admins then forget off, they do their job finely. Also to point out people go corrupt and bad all the time. You don't blame the host for hiring good admins that go bad.

And another thing, he is able to ban you for whatever reason he sees fit and for however long he wants. I am unbiased in this as I am not administrator and I have been banned from Tezuni's before. Stop bitching.

Nobody that I'd recall off the top of my head, really.  Most are basically just absent a good amount of the time and never clean up the spam.

Also I just now learned that the user list window can be resized.  Mind blown.

All of 'em except Nickpb.
I don't know if to laugh or cringe

-Long ass paragraph-
Who is hating? What I read looks like to me you're the only one yelling.

I am the king of being a richardmin. I'm the origin of badmin Tuesday. I broke Brian*
Lol tez do you remember how we used to have fun being starfishs lmao

Nick is worst "badministrator" can confirm.

In other terms though, I hated playing servers with Ephialtes or TwenteFreak in high power. I remember having issues between Glass and Bushido on at least one occasion but that tension is nonexistent now.

What's the sport bad admins play?
Ba dum tss!

I don't know my admin capacities, never became one, and I never hosted anything (popular).

Lol your still butthurt for being banned from the MERP.
Who are you to talk, he's less butthurt than you

Who are you to talk, he's less butthurt than you

And how am I butthurt?