Author Topic: remember those "made with code" bracelets? i received mine in the mail today  (Read 1149 times)

damn you americanos always getting nice things

I hope you're watching all the inspiring stories from other girls.

mine says "I made this am i cool yet" and idk if it came in the mail yet

mine says "I made this am i cool yet" and idk if it came in the mail yet
it comes in a manilla envelope looking package

i havent even checked the mail..... maybe its there

it isnt
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 06:36:12 PM by Kimon² »

i got mine yesterday

i love the color, it's just rly tiny

god dammit everyone's getting theirs. hope i get mine soon

"love" and "forget" aren't permitted messages but "Rape" is.

"love" and "forget" aren't permitted messages but "Rape" is.
#loveism #tw #rapeculture

help with width and diameter pls
i have never measured my wrist lol

help with width and diameter pls
i have never measured my wrist lol
just cut it off and measure it from there. should be pretty accurate. you might want a friend's help, or adult supervision.

#loveism #tw #rapeculture

But in all seriousness, if you're gonna censor "naughty" words, at least go the whole nine yards.
Even "handicap" and several misspellings of other "naughty" words aren't allowed.

I'm still waiting for mine. :(


But in all seriousness, if you're gonna censor "naughty" words, at least go the whole nine yards.
Even "handicap" and several misspellings of other "naughty" words aren't allowed.
also if a bad word gets past their filter, they can discard it themselves once it goes to print bc they check over everything