Author Topic: Humanoid Playertypes  (Read 822 times)

We could use some player types in Blockland that aren't based on animals and are more akin to alien species who walk on two legs. Edits of the default Blockland player-type, perhaps.

If you still don't know what the hell I'm talking about and need an example, here's a picture. I think these kind of playertypes are important because it makes the aliens truly alien.

When all the species in an RP look like humans with different skin colors, that really breaks the fantasy atmosphere. The mutalisk was a good start but got no-where. Besides, the mutalisk was purposely designed to be feral.  I think these types of playertypes could have implications for a "humans vs aliens" deathmatch thing.

The problem with making futuristic alien-like player-types is, that to make a good looking realistic one, you'd need to make a high-poly count model (laggy if theres a lot of player-types like that at once)

to make a good looking realistic one, you'd need to make a high-poly count model
We don't need it to be realistic. I see what you mean, but I also don't think we need a high polygon count at all. For example, just taking the default Blockhead model and giving it a snout like the mutalisk had would be good enough for me.