Author Topic: Furdle & Thorfin25 - "Server lagging? Time to permaban half the server!"  (Read 26103 times)

Gr8dayseth, i was just extremely bothered, by how you think you have the right to criticize a development server for not wanting people who don't contribute eating up their bandwidth at the Dev phase and yes, i did loose my composure and i apologize for that, but the "then i would shove a big red ban-hammer up your ass too." was not directed at you, but at the bandwagon. I am sorry, if i made it seem, like i was targeting you. I have nothing personal against you
Then why were you just quoting me?
I mean a few others brought up some good points but you completely ignored them.

Not to mention things like this
There is not a change in hell that greydeadwhatshisIQ is 15. The guy lacks any kind of dignity, spelling and maturity level there is.
Gr8dayseth, you have been immature, conflict-prone and annoying for as far as i've seen you on these forums. I have not seen you contribute anything to these forums except jumping on bandwagons to hate on people.

This is the kind of thing that bothers me about you. You basically are posting the same quotes and points in multiple posts. You literally just posted this exact same thing 10 minutes ago in a gigantic loopy chain of quotes. I don't wish to have a quarrel with you, truly. The post i made was inappropriate and out of magnitude compared to the issue at hand, but the point i brought up in this post here, is something you should consider. Double-posts are fine for instant messengers, but not for forums 

Thorfin is defending Furdle more then Furdle is defending himself

Looks like Furdle found a new little bitch lol.

I'm not trying to get into this nonsense, but this was all I was thinking while I was reading over this thread/Thorfin's posts.

Why would Furdle need to defend himself when he knows that one of his little minions will do it for him. He says that they're his friends; he probably considered TBD his friend too at one point, but it's funny how you guys continue to do things for him and are too blind to see the results of your own actions.

I literally cannot tell you how many, "oo I'm friends with Furdle; better treat him well," *Furdle kicks him to the curb*, "omg I hate furdle" cases there have been.

Why are people even friends with Furdle to begin with? All you get is a prick in your back door and now you have to somehow justify all the dumb stuff he does.

I literally saw a guy say "Furdle, what is next on my to-do list next?" on his server earlier.

He can allegedly build but I don't know if I've ever actually seen him produce anything of his own.

Gr8dayseth, i was just extremely bothered, by how you think you have the right to criticize a development server for not wanting people who don't contribute eating up their bandwidth at the Dev phase and yes, i did loose my composure and i apologize for that, but the "then i would shove a big red ban-hammer up your ass too." was not directed at you, but at the bandwagon. I am sorry, if i made it seem, like i was targeting you. I have nothing personal against you

Still shouldn't have permabanned so many people, even if only a fraction of the bans were theirs.

I'm sorry, what? I don't think i even have enough posts to get a widely known reputation

You've posted enough on this forum for us to learn a thing or two about you, buddy.

He can allegedly build but I don't know if I've ever actually seen him produce anything of his own.

Judging by his contributors list, I'd assume he has built less than 10% of the entire project.

Then again, I have no means to see who built what, and have no base for this estimate.

Judging by his contributors list, I'd assume he has built less than 10% of the entire project.

Then again, I have no means to see who built what, and have no base for this estimate.
if furdle goes into game design or whatever as he's going to college for, he'll be the bitch to his boss :cookieMonster:

Just read this last page and I'm amazed that everyone is still crying over getting banned.
Some things I've just picked up on...

I literally saw a guy say "Furdle, what is next on my to-do list next?" on his server earlier.
People want to help because they know I create quality servers.

Judging by his contributors list, I'd assume he has built less than 10% of the entire project.

Then again, I have no means to see who built what, and have no base for this estimate.
Jesus Christ that's like the third time you've randomly made an estimate using no logic or evidence to back it up.
Infact the build is at 98k at the moment, of which 70k+ bricks are mine.

Now listen here kiddos, taboo is a little butt hurt over me and strangely enough is obsessed over this drama, which I do find his whining quite funny. This is how I run my server, crying about it isn't going to change it, it's just going to get you banned on post-release.
I don't tend to hold grudges (because I'm not some loser who pretends to be a teacher and manages to stuffstorm up a 10 page drama in 24 hours) so I'm not going to perma you as soon as it's released, but here's what I'm going to do.
-I'm going to not look at this drama thread again, because drama does nothing productive for anyone and pretty much is an excuse for the handicapped to cry about being banned.
-I'm going to let you all calm down and re-evaluate your situation... "Should I stop crying about Furdle and maybe move on with my life and then I can play his server"
-finally I'm going to unban you all when is release the server, depending on whether or not you've stopped being little crybaby kids.

With that said, this is me leaving another Furdle drama, which I will not be looking at once more, if you want to discuss something with me you can PM me, as I won't be reading anything here.

-finally I'm going to unban you all when is release the server, depending on whether or not you've stopped being little crybaby kids.
You won't be able to tell unless you check the drama, lol.

People want to help because they know I create quality servers.
what you do is probably the equivalent of putting a bunch of lego sets someone else put together in a grid fashion and calling it "your city"

Have fun trying to get players when this drama did a damn good job of making  a good chunk of people aware of your douchebaggery. (Read 2196 times)