Author Topic: Basketball Americans attack people in parking lot.  (Read 14976 times)

I think the real answer is "Get the forget out of America while you still can."

I hear Sweden is nice this time of the year.

I think the real answer is "Get the forget out of America while you still can."

I hear Sweden is nice this time of the year.
kek, have fun with de facto sharia

I think the real answer is "Get the forget out of America while you still can."

I hear Sweden is nice this time of the year.

I think the real answer is "Get the forget out of America while you still can."

I hear Sweden is nice this time of the year.
typical australian bigot. i bet you went out and beat the living stuff outta some drunk abbo coons right after ya wrote that post.

typical australian bigot. i bet you went out and beat the living stuff outta some drunk abbo coons right after ya wrote that post.
And then I had a slice of coon cheese just to celebrate.

how does that even remotely answer my question?

You are asking for examples of black on white violent crime. Using a very specific incidence to make your point harder to counter isn't going to change the fact that you're wrong.

Have you heard of De'Marquise Elkins? He shot and killed an innocent Caucasian baby in front of his mother at gunpoint.
Have you heard of Dillon Taylor? He was an innocent white teenager who was shot and killed by a police officer of color.

Was your answer no? Even if it was yes, the sad, vast majority of people would say no. Yet, almost all of them could tell you exactly who Treyvon Martin and Michael Brown are. There is no doubt that the media exploits racial tension against whites by blacks for ratings. Seriously, it's like not even debatable. Even if white on black vs black on white crime was even (which it is not) you would STILL see significantly more attention delivered to white on black violence because it's easier to spark outrage.

I asked that question and then Dren came at me with some unecessary statistics. All I did was bring a double standard into question and it hasn't been validated yet.

I'm actually looking up the survey from the NCVS to validate the statistics because this goes beyond a visual. If I or anyone else can find the actual survey then that would be cool.
Have you heard of De'Marquise Elkins? He shot and killed an innocent Caucasian baby in front of his mother at gunpoint.
Have you heard of Dillon Taylor? He was an innocent white teenager who was shot and killed by a police officer of color.

Was your answer no?
De'Marquise Elkins was widely reported so yes?
And the entire shooting of Dillon is on camera so he'll definitely get his justice anyways.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 08:12:07 AM by Aces »

The point is it isn't widely as known, reported, or cared about. I didn't know either of those names before now, because the media is only going to report on something that will get them viewership. CNN isn't going to report Dillon Taylor's trial for hours like they did Men's Wearhouse Spokesman's trial. That's because it's not startling news to know that another person was gunned down in a city where the majority of the population is African-American.

Yay, I'm 200 times less likely to get killed then most of you guys!


The point is it isn't widely as known, reported, or cared about. I didn't know either of those names before now, because the media is only going to report on something that will get them viewership. CNN isn't going to report Dillon Taylor's trial for hours like they did Men's Wearhouse Spokesman's trial. That's because it's not startling news to know that another person was gunned down in a city where the majority of the population is African-American.
Wide media support must obviously do nothing apparently, as Zimmerman and Wilson are free men.

I'm sorry but this is top-tier handicapped. The reason why people still say that there is racial tension in the United States is because black people are still hired less, considered less intelligent, and are often the victims of a long line of poverty that dates back hundreds of years when their ancestors were slaves and second-class citizens.  The socioeconomic disadvantages black people face because of current and past racism actually explains this data, since people who are impoverished are much more likely to commit crimes. Yes, we're past the age of black people being lynched on trees. No, we're not past the age of institutional racism and poverty preventing black youth from having the same chance of success in society as white youth.

uh what
that isn't what makes something a hate crime

So when a white attacks a black that is a hate crime, but when it's a black attacking a white it isn't?

I'm sorry but this is top-tier handicapped. The reason why people still say that there is racial tension in the United States is because black people are still hired less, considered less intelligent, and are often the victims of a long line of poverty that dates back hundreds of years when their ancestors were slaves and second-class citizens.  The socioeconomic disadvantages black people face because of current and past racism actually explains this data, since people who are impoverished are much more likely to commit crimes. Yes, we're past the age of black people being lynched on trees. No, we're not past the age of institutional racism and poverty preventing black youth from having the same chance of success in society as white youth.

Jews were slaves too for hundreds of years, and look at their immense wealth and success today
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 07:15:35 PM by Caribou »