Author Topic: Letter to Ephialtes/Lub  (Read 5371 times)

How are you going to meet them? 
Lub lives near the house I'm moving into on sunday, so we're going out for lunch or something all togetha

Dear Lub,

Look both ways before crossing the street. 


Lub lives near the house I'm moving into on sunday, so we're going out for lunch or something all togetha

Are you gonna posts pics of their reaction?

Are you gonna posts pics of their reaction?
yeah sure, I'll show them everything I quote in the OP.

Dear Ephialtes

And please tell us what are you working on, we would like to find out what have you moved to on since you left Blockland and its community

Yours Truly,
pefu19 and the blockland community

dear ephi

send me one of ur famos omelet


dear ephi
us forumer peepl wish you a late happy birthday

« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 04:42:51 PM by WaffleCake »

Dear ephi

May I have your blessings when I go to marry blockbot?

dear ephi

salmon isnt good for your gains

- pass

Updated OP with all the messages I will give to him.
Please don't ask lub or ephi questions, they will not answer them.

Dear ephi,

I wish for your blessings for when I am to marry Blockbot


Dear Ephialtes,

Thank you for ending RTB when and how you did. There were a thousand ways it could have gone much worse, and I'm thankful you ended it the way you did. I agreed with your posts about it 100%.


Dear Ephi

Something something rtb, setro wrote a nice poem, computer mix returned for like 5 minutes, & many people were banned.

Love, Kidplasma

Dear lub

I vaguely know of you

With lots of lub, Kidplasma
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 04:49:30 PM by kidplasma »

dear ephi.

why the forget didnt you ban me when i made the sock puppet and was an ass to everyone?
i could have learned my lesson back then... but no. thanks to you i have gone through 3 accounts in the span of 6 months. jk, i dont blame you... but really why?


Dear Ephi

Something something rtb, setro wrote a nice poem, computer mix returned for like 5 minutes, & many people were banned.
Oh, and ghoststar is back now. Again.

Love, Kidplasma
ghost was banned after ephi left.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 04:45:17 PM by Miku³ »

I hope you're doing good, I'm also glad you ended RTB the way you did, I don't think I could've done it like that.

Hi (I honestly don't know who you are)
