Author Topic: welcome to 2008  (Read 1168 times)

I still have no idea how we were announced the EU capital of culture. All we did was bring some more paintings into our art gallery, touch up some parks and put a great big TV in the middle of the city center
Makes you wonder what every other city in Europe was doing that year.

I'm really liking this barack guy, he seems like he could be the best president ever!

ANYONE WHO HATES HIM IS A tribal friend!


I miss the old Runescape

"Woah look at all these 4 digit ID's"

Legitimately, I joined a BL server the other day for the first time in quite a while and I had no idea we hit 6 digit ID's. But yeah, I remember when my ID was "noob". I couldn't wait to start bitching at the 8k's for being "noobs".

Man, these maps sure are great!

I just got a huge wave of nostalgia from looking at that old Runescape stuff. Too bad I never got to play RS Classic.

Man, these maps sure are great!

Have you guys found the secret areas in Bedroom???1!11? I won't tell you where they are it's a secret  :panda: