Author Topic: 9/11  (Read 9442 times)

Discuss juicy tales of 9/11, have your family members been in the towers during the event?

also rip blockland forums

Twas a tragedy. Nuff said.

I just realized that the ones in 9/11 look like two towers

Illuminati confirmed

Hide yo wife hide to kids

I'm sure Ten-Speed still has that picture around some---

---Oh wait.

I'm sure Ten-Speed still has that picture around some---

---Oh wait.

Cross out Pudoo and put in Ten Speed.

my uncle was on one of the bottom floors of the first tower so he got out really quickly

I was in either kindergarten or first grade, and I remember the school going in to lockdown. They brought a TV in and we watched the news while eating snacks. We sat under our tables for hours doing that until parents were allowed to physically come to the school and sign their child out. A couple years later I asked my parents what they were doing and they told me they both left work and went to our church to cry and pray with hundreds of other people.

i had a dream last night that there were more terrorist attacks happening today.
this time it was in london, and a gunman in a tower killed over 400 people

I was probably still a baby when it happened so I have like no memories of it at all.

i had a dream last night that there were more terrorist attacks happening today.
this time it was in london, and a gunman in a tower killed over 400 people
I had a dream where my bike had Tourette's. Beat that.

it's a bird, it's a plane, ... O stuff it actually is a plane!

It was my first day of Pre-K, and also my 3rd birthday. My dad was carrying me while we were walking to the Pre-K because I was tired, and I remember seeing a lot of smoke and people running since I live in the area of where it happened. I saw people screaming, and just panicking. I remember that 9/11 was a nice day (it was sunny) and as we were running back home a bit after the 1st one hit, right as we got into the lobby of our building we saw ANOTHER plane going RIGHT DOWN a major street (I swear it was very close to the ground). That is when I think I realized what was going on. I can remember things from when I was 8 months old too.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 09:50:04 AM by Caribou »

I was like 8 when it happened so I don't remember much besides that I was in school and we got to watch tv for 4 hours.