Author Topic: I have school in 20 minutes and I need to get ready but I found a mouse.  (Read 513 times)

Okay, Last night when I was getting ready for bed, A little mouse dropped from the vent by my foot, and scurried to the other side of the room. I have school soon. (I go in the evenings on Thursdays) but I'm afraid I'll find more and I don't have anything to kill it/trap it with that's not brutal.
give me a quick idea to get these things out of the bathroom so nothing worse happens.

maybe I can burn down my bathroom with cheese

i hear lemons work great as well

Why not burn down the cheese with bathroom?

maybe I can burn down my bathroom with cheese
now you're thinkingwith cheese portals

If I really need to I'll find it and step on it, but that would be messy

set up something very heaty (like a radiator for example) next to where you suspect the mice might be
if you have cheese put it next to the radiator
works every time

set up something very heaty (like a radiator for example) next to where you suspect the mice might be
if you have cheese put it next to the radiator
works every time
Remember to check under the radiator by putting your head under it every five seconds or so.