Author Topic: Xiki: The Command Revolution!  (Read 636 times) The shell console reimagined Type notes, prototype, and program. 
If you want try it.

I have specialized programs for all of those already

weird, this time your choppy English is entirely accurate.
anyway, what possible use could this be other than feel like a 1337 haxr.

There's no download or anything, unless if this supposed to be specific to Mac/Linux.

There's no download or anything, unless if this supposed to be specific to Mac/Linux.

It would probably help if Firefox had loaded more than the top part of the page >:(

I'm trying to figure out how it's wiki-inspired

I'm trying to figure out how it's wiki-inspired
Let them know, what you are trying figure it out!

Let them know, what you are trying figure it out!

He just let us know that he's trying to figure out how it's wiki-inspired.