Author Topic: What is the most annoying thing to happen while you're doing something?  (Read 542 times)

If you didn't know, there was a solar flare on 9/11 and it has been interrupting peoples internet connections for awhile. Affects were only supposed to last yesterday til' today. Was playing a video game and it cut me off during a boss which was almost finished off. Had to go through another hour of that stuff.

/discuss the most annoying thing to be interrupted by

when there are loud noises or crying

when you're in the middle of taking a stuff and you realize there's no toilet paper

Getting Skype messages sent to me while playing Steam games. Especially when the person who sends me a Skype message is online on Steam.

When my snake touches my vagina

when someone gets your attention by pulling an earbud out of your ear

When someone barges into my room without knocking.

When I am drawing, I will get super duper pissed off if somebody bumps my elbow (which is very frequent, as I am left handed).

When someone barges into my room without knocking.
everybody's parents always catch them when they're doing something scandalous, can't they just barge in when we're doing something good like homework?

when someone interrupts me while im fapping

when I'm in the middle of a multiplayer game ex. mvm that I can't pause and I hear "tIIIIIIMM"
like seriously can I just help my brother with his Wii U problems later

that one starfish that always deliberately tries to talk when i begin talking

when people beg for computer help because im the only person in oklahoma that knows how to use one
then i get there to help them and its something like they maximized a window and dont know how to close it

when the police arrive while i'm in the middle of hiding the body

when the police arrive while i'm in the middle of hiding the body
I hate that. It's always a nuisance have to get rid of two more bodies.