Author Topic: Judge my _______  (Read 220 times)

Judge My ______

How this works is you go to this website:

Whatever number you rolled you have to describe things in that specific category.

1 - friends
2 - family
3 - personality
4 - signature
5 - school
6 - richard

The user that posts below you would judge on a x/10 scale and continue rolling the die.


I rolled a one, so I would write about my friends.
I only have two "interesting" friends.

One can't shut the hell up about his "female genitals". He also acts like a girl "because its easier than being a boy."And can't stop making rape jokes... So he's a homoloveual transgender rapist? Eh, hes just one of those people who cant lay off of disgusting jokes like "i'm going to rape you", and makes weird infant noises.

And the other cannot grasp the definition of "If you fall over, get back up, you tried." He throws a fit every time I beat him in video games. Despite that, he just really makes this odd unsettling mouth noises sometimes.

The user that posts below me would rate my friends.


i know some people like that. they creep me out. "i'm going to rape you" isn't funny it's just creepy. i think that they enjoy getting negative attention.

those people are what we call losers. unsettling noises i can relate to. when im sitting a long sometimes i just kinda go "eughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" for like 5 hours straight.

3. personality

i try to act like i really don't care about anything, and rarely make a serious statement. i try to make sure 95% of my conversations are humorous. i like to be witty and obnoxious, and i hate dumb authority. i like to argue with people at the stupidest things and try to make myself feel superior to them, often in a "ask questions passive aggressively" kinda way. like when a police officer started yelling at me in my school once for something i didn't even do i was just laughing and not taking it seriously at all, because i knew it angered him. i love being able to control people and meld their emotions and actions to whatever i want. whenever i get called into a principles office or something like that i try to make sure a smirk never leaves my face, unless they are genuinely a nice person, in which case i'll be serious. 99% of the time they are douches and i try to indirectly anger them with overwhelming evidence and argumentation. i love to argue. my parents are lawyers so its probably related to that.

i have extremely liberal views on everything. all drugs should be legal. if some loser wants to inject heroine into his eye in his basement its none of my business. basically my stance on 99% of things is "i dont care this is stupid lets tell jokes now"

i get along really well with most people at school. people with rods of steel implanted deep in their asses do not like me at all though.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 10:18:50 PM by McZealot »