Author Topic: Maxx - just shut up jfc  (Read 33845 times)

Watch Kochieboy try to exist here is like watching an airplane crash in slow motion. So much confidence, so much failure.

his only redeeming quality

I haven't laughed this hard in loving ages. 10/10

You don't have the balls to even forget a bag
loving a bag isn't an accomplishment, you realize that ?

I feel like Kochie just has some kind of delusion that he is the master of arguments. This is basically what I got from his post:
First off, he claims "You will get banned" from what he said in a previous post. That Lord Tony and possibly others were banned for breaking a rule arguing with him. Now I don't remember much of this so I don't know every exact detail, but he seems to think because of that confrontation, that Badspot is completely on his side and will ban anyone opposing him. Let me remind you Tony was never one of the people Badspot liked very much. So in actuality Tony and his supporters were probably just banned for being Tony and supporters of him.

I've gotten people banned in arguments too Kochie, I don't have some delusion that Badspot will back me up in anything.


He mentioned arguing with him, if you don't get banned (lol), will change nothing as "nobody's argument putting a single change on another person." Nice way of putting it. Saying that is basically you saying no matter how much you annoy people, you don't have the dignity to change your ways. You are admitting you are a dense individual. Which is perfectly fine, but don't try to put it off as some philosophical statement when it is actually just you being an ass.

What you said is pretty much a glorified version of a child sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling "nah nah nah I can't hear you!" when anybody else is talking that disagrees with you.

So basically, Kochie, what I see from you is you are a dense child with some unwarranted sense of power in arguments. Of course I don't expect this to change you as you will probably just brush it off with some statement trying to make yourself look cool. All I'm syaing is, the tough guy act is fooling nobody.

Tough guy? Pffft. I'm just trying to save you guys some sanity and time.

And yes, I am stubborn and dense, but do I want to change? Not really. Will I change? Maybe, but unlikely. So waste your breath all you want trying to change me, you're practically throwing ping pong balls at a battleship.

you're practically throwing ping pong balls at a battleship.
how big are the ping pong balls in question

how big are the ping pong balls in question

Competition standard. No need for building a massive ping pong ball when you can't even throw it.

you're practically throwing ping pong balls at a battleship.
oh my god i'm dying

"lol u shuldnt hav angrd me! i got trigerd and now tis is wat u get1 do not argue with me becus im a arguement master"
Get the forget out of my drama you thickskulled stuffnugget.
Did you wait for the drama to backfire onto kochie to take action

And also you don't control this drama you "thickskulled stuffnugget"

keep in mind how kochie is acting all tough and mighty when he's the same guy who reported someone for triggering lol

Flatflyer says a word, 4 page argument.

Never change, forums.
Make that 7 pages now.
it just keeps going.

keep in mind how kochie is acting all tough and mighty when he's the same guy who reported someone for triggering lol
never forget that actual school essay he wrote about imaginary pony friends or whatever

Besides, why troll a troll, that's just as bad as trying to argue with me.
Hold up a loving second people, isn't this admittance to trolling?

Tough guy? Pffft. I'm just trying to save you guys some sanity and time.

And yes, I am stubborn and dense, but do I want to change? Not really. Will I change? Maybe, but unlikely. So waste your breath all you want trying to change me, you're practically throwing ping pong balls at a battleship.

I have never seen someone try so hard to publicly convince people that they are incapable of possessing any conceivable level of human intelligence or dignity.