Author Topic: Blockland is a game.  (Read 4326 times)

Do you like to play Blockland? How long have you played it?

I first played it on October 2009. Joined a Fort Wars server. Best experience of my gaming life.

First played it on October 2012. The first server I went on was my own, I hosted a simple freebuild with all of the default stuff. I was called Blockhead38824 for a few hours then changed my name. The first thing I built was a medium sized simple 1x1 brick shop. But looking back at the build I think I made it 1x1 to write my username or something as things were written on the walls. I've lost the save since.

I was permanently banned from the first server I ever joined
Reason: no 9ks allowed

first played it june 2008. I didn't know how to move around

My memory is too stuffty to remember any of that. Probably my first memory ever is joining a City RPG, teaming up with another noob at the time Dionysus and building a ugly grey box with him. Might not have been even the first month of BL playing, but i recall that as my first memory

I cannot remember any of my earliest experiences with it. I first learned about it mid 2008, got a forum account later that year, and then got the game finally as a Christmas gift.

I still enjoy occasionally going around and playing what other people are hosting. Probably the most recent thing I really enjoyed doing was playing some Jazz on Electrk's server.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 02:39:00 PM by Pecon »

first started bl when i was 8 years old, back when there were default starter avatars so i used the astronaut one and named myseld "neil armstron g" and i went on a server (it had the closet map) and 2 guys made fun of me for my name :(

i member playing a halo map in 2011 :c

v11 had just came out so everyone was flipping a stuff over physics.

Probably the most recent thing I really enjoyed doing was playing some Jazz on Electrk's server.
I'm jealous of your computer

v11 had just came out so everyone was flipping a stuff over physics.
I don't remember anyone flipping out. I thought it was a cool new feature, and I built a couple of things then made them fall, but that was all I can really remember about it
I probably wasn't on the forum yet, then, or at least didn't use it much. so that might be why I didn't know anything

anyway, the first thing I can remember is learning very basic eventing stuff on my server on slopes. mostly just how to shrink myself

Bought Blockland when I just turned 14, Joined a server called wizard's dogfight and spawned in a blue aircraft carrier. I looked around and tried to move, I bounced into a wall and picked up a green object. I mashed my keyboard to try and use it when I heard this soft static behind me as I turned, was greeted by a fellow blocklander. He looked at me with a default smile and said "**** off scrub" as he left to go get a plane. I followed him and we hit the ground as bombs and grenades flew over our heads.

The terrain was so beautiful and the water so flat it was like I was in actual legoland.  I got snipped and spawned.

It was a good day.

2012 went on badspots blockparty (The only server i went on at the time) and spammed in the chat in all caps, "How do I place a brick."

i still love blockland as much as ever, i've played it for about 5-6 years now (actual playtime is nearly a year by now, i think)

i joined in v10 and i was pretty lost as i lacked much english knowledge
first server i joined was some zombie headcrab server by The Titanium and/or []----[]
it was pretty fun from what i can remenber, and i think the most fascinating bit was that who would've known that those two people i saw on my very first server would become my best friends 4 years later?

other than that though, i happened to end up on Evar678's server, where he taught me how to use variable events which is basically the only thing i'm proficient in now
such a lovely community, as much as people seem to think otherwise
i'll always love it <3

I remember Skiing down the slope in the demo, most amazing thing I ever did.