
The demoman from TF2 was Scottish

Scotland independance yes
75 (71.4%)
Scotland dependance
30 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 105

Author Topic: New Scotland, built on enduring principles of equality, fairness, social justice  (Read 7021 times)

Apparantly if you take all the effort to travel across the Atlantic to North America, or travel down the Atlantic and across the the Indian Ocean to Australia/New Zealand, you'll be so exhausted that you'll have no energy to come up with a new name.

Instead you'll just name the place after somewhere that already exists, or after people (Sandwich Islands, Cook Islands, etc...).
Well Nova Scotia is New Scotland, so they need town names from Old Scotland

As if people reading the article don't even know what Scotland is.

Yeah, but drunk teenagers in the UK probably are doing it as a national socialist Salute.
It's not a traditional gesture in the UK, even prior to WW2.
"Some Austrian and Italian losers copied our sacred salute." - Roma

Well Nova Scotia is New Scotland, so they need town names from Old Scotland
The majority of those place names aren't even from Scotland though.

Glasgow is the only Scottish name on there (barring any small villages not depicted).

"Some Austrian and Italian losers copied our sacred salute." - Roma
There's no evidence that the Romans did that salute.
Some coinage resembles it, but it's more likely they were in famous poses, such as the Prima Porta.

That myth mainly comes from one renaissance painting depicting Romans doing such a salute, which was popular with fascists in Italy.

There's no evidence that the Romans did that salute.
Some coinage resembles it, but it's more likely they were in famous poses, such as the Prima Porta.
well that pose isn't really called the prima porta

it's called the adlocutio

well that pose isn't really called the prima porta

it's called the adlocutio
I was giving an example of one of many poses that has an outstretched arm.
The Prima Porta has been seen on some Imperial coinage, so it's a good example of how coinage could give the impression of the Roman salute looking like the national socialist one.

And strictly speaking adlocutio isn't a pose, but the pose of the Prima Porta is supposed to represent August giving an adlocutio.
He's in a contraposto pose with an out-stretched arm. (hence the cupid-ridden dolphin at the foot acting as a counterweight).