
The demoman from TF2 was Scottish

Scotland independance yes
75 (71.4%)
Scotland dependance
30 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 105

Author Topic: New Scotland, built on enduring principles of equality, fairness, social justice  (Read 7041 times)

So the country which used to own half the world can't even keep it's own home Island together. It's pretty sad really, someone should put the UK out of its misery.

Quote from: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/sep/09/scottish-independence-tns-poll-1-per-cent-gap-yes-no
Another poll released on Sunday by Panelbase for the pro-independence campaign Yes Scotland found the no vote was still in the lead, at 52% compared with 48% for yes, excluding the undecided.

Yes Scotland responded cautiously, saying: "Yes has the big momentum – with support growing particularly strongly among Labour voters and women – but we still have work to do if we are to win."

Denis Canavan, the chairman of Yes Scotland's advisory board and former Labour MP, told a rally in his hometown of Cowdenbeath: "We are now on the very cusp of making history – a bold and confident new Scotland, run by the people of Scotland and built on enduring principles of equality, fairness and social justice.

So far all the results of votes seem to be just about tied.
What do you think, BLF?

Either way the voting sways in favor of, the situation will turn out ugly.

"social justice"

oh god don't tell me it's what it sounds like

nvm, thankfully it's not what i thought

yes peel britain off scotland's back

I think I'm better than all of you in this thread
I'm the centre of attention now

I'm hoping for yes anyway
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 10:30:43 PM by Maxwell. »

I think I'm better than all of you in this thread
I'm the centre of attention now

Maxwell is the one leading a revolution against the UK.

So what if Britain ruled half the world. An independence movement in Scotland has always been present there and I'm actually surprised it didn't happen earlier.

Scotland has always been present there and I'm actually surprised it didn't happen earlier.
probably because the union was formed out of mutual prosperity

probably because the union was formed out of mutual prosperity
King James was a Scot, right?

james ii was born in london
James I was a Scot though, right?

bump, the referendum is tomorrow and I genuinely wanna know what people think

So what if Britain ruled half the world. An independence movement in Scotland has always been present there and I'm actually surprised it didn't happen earlier.
monarchy would be the new research

Gonna be fun either way.