
The demoman from TF2 was Scottish

Scotland independance yes
75 (71.4%)
Scotland dependance
30 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 105

Author Topic: New Scotland, built on enduring principles of equality, fairness, social justice  (Read 6995 times)

to quote trainspotters

"It's stuffe bein scottish!"

I clicked the new posts button for this thread to see Maxwell informing about voting. I go to the last page and we are talking about ponies.

Is Scotland gonna push off of England or what
and voting you shall receive

no has won
so sir dooble looks like you still have that one extra mouth to feed, guess it's negative for you after all huh
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 02:41:38 AM by Maxwell. »

I'm happy with the outcome. My country has a similar problem (northern part pays the most, southern part are seen as lazy people) and I definitely don't think that's fair. But I wouldn't want us to break up over this. We need to fix things together.

Independence would likely have meant an economical drama for Scotland in the future. There's too many people who just wanted to get rid of Cameron instead of thinking clearly about the future of their country. Every country in the UK needs some change when it comes to voting and local power, and I sincerely hope Cameron won't forget about the 44% of Scottish people who did vote for independence.

so sir dooble looks like you still have that one extra mouth to feed, guess it's negative for you after all huh
It's always negative when Scotland's around  :cookieMonster:

But nah, it's the result I wanted.
I can moan all I like about Scotland and the Scots, but it wouldn't be the same without you.
It is a union, after all. It requires give and take from both sides.

I just hope you never vote in Alex Salmond again. I don't want to see such an ugly vile man on the news again. It was bad enough that Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown had to resurface to join the No campaign.

there you have it folks, braveheart modernised

Belgium's a worthless piece of land that let the German's go into France. It should unite with it's northern neighbor as well as Luxemburg to make a bigger country.

there you have it folks, braveheart modernised
except Scotland actually won back then


except Scotland actually won back then

we're getting more power over ourselves

No independence for you, Scotland.
Its for the better (in the long term) anyway.

we're getting more power over ourselves
come child

let us teach you the ways of revolution

Belgium's a worthless piece of land that let the German's go into France. It should unite with it's northern neighbor as well as Luxemburg to make a bigger country.
Because some guy in America said so!

lol, gg but no thanks

Because some guy in America said so!
But um it's true

You could say that to anything and it'd make you look cool and right

Is Scotland going to drift off into the ocean?

In all seriousness though, I have no idea what's going on in this thread.

Because some guy in America said so!

lol, gg but no thanks
Why it's simple. Small countries should have no say in politics because they are tiny and useless.

Remember Tibet? Occupied by China. Kuwait? Occupied by Iraq. Czechoslovakia? Conquered by Germany, later again by the USSR. Poland? Conquered Germany then made into a puppet by USSR. Georgia? Russia stomped on their defenses. North Korea? USA steam rolled it.