Author Topic: The musical hate thread | Get it out, yo.  (Read 13512 times)

Nicki minaj
Miley Cyrus
Dustbin Beaver
Most rap
Most modern pop (katy perry and lady gaga are good though)
Most 90s music
Most country music
Most dubstep in general
The Insane Clown Posse
Most of the "hits" you hear a bazillion times on the radio every day

Probably more i forgot

Oh, and for y'all record haters, vinyl is coming back, and it does sound way better than digital or tapes.

it doesn't matter anyways cause records are loving awesome and they're coming back in a big way. they give off such a distinct sound, one that can't be replicated with modern technology. and if you get a good enough record player it can sound much, much better than digital stuff.

Most 90s music

« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 01:07:31 AM by Strovbe »

it doesn't matter anyways cause records are loving awesome and they're coming back in a big way

Nope and nope. Yes to the Spice Girls though
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 01:07:56 AM by Mr Man »

it doesn't matter anyways cause records are loving awesome and they're coming back in a big way. they give off such a distinct sound, one that can't be replicated with modern technology. and if you get a good enough record player it can sound much, much better than digital stuff.
they've BEEN back.

matter of fact, they never died.

Oh, and for y'all record haters, vinyl is coming back, and it does sound way better than digital or tapes.
You can recreate the "feel" that any record has to it through an equalizer/compressor, and digital music is much more accurate bit-wise than records are.
Records have less than 11 bits of precision, which is 32 times less accurate than typical 16-bit audio you get from iTunes. Source:
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 01:37:15 AM by Ipquarx »

Records have less than 11 bits of precision, which is 32 times less accurate than typical 16-bit audio you get from iTunes. Source:
Have you ever actually heard a record through a non crappy sound system? Sounds way better than anything digital, and I think you'll find many people agree. Put the math aside and just do a listening test.

Have you ever actually heard a record through a non crappy sound system? Sounds way better than anything digital, and I think you'll find many people agree. Put the math aside and just do a listening test.


itt: people bitching about punk and dubstep
and apparently all country sounds the same
it really isnt it's wonderful

Correction: 80% of pop (as in popular and well known) EDM is garbage. There are plenty of really talented artists out there, but 99% of them have fewer than 500 followers on SoundCloud. For some reason the "meh" artists appeal to (certain) labels and people more than the talented ones? IDK.
I said what I said and I'm not referring to pop EDM. I use Soundcloud every day and stumble upon tons of these "really talented artists". Still stuff.

and apparently all country sounds the same
I like some country :(

heavy metal

sorry but it sounds like trying to pry off tweezers from your left testicle with chopsticks while ice skating.

If anyone is a producer, I've got about 200 vacuum tubes up for sale if anyone wants to buy them. Though they're all untested because I found them in my grandfather's attic.

One thing that people don't get is that "pop" really isn't a genre. It stems from popular, which overall means popular music. I like a lot of popular music, not because it's popular, but because I like it. I ain't no hipster, yo.

Saying "i don't like pop music" may be acceptable here, but outside of that context it makes you sound like a huge hipster.

I like music from pretty much every genre, as long as it's good. Rap, country, classic rock, classical, rock'n'roll, heavy metal, EDM...

If anyone is a producer, I've got about 200 vacuum tubes up for sale if anyone wants to buy them
it is 2014

what i like:
rock (mainly classic rock cus i'm a cool kid)
mf doom
dark ambient
witch house
anything like or related to this, this, pretty much anything by the alchemist lol

assess/tear apart my tastes