Author Topic: You guys are evil... (Part Deux)  (Read 5891 times)

I have no response to that :panda:

Seriously, Bacon, you have got to degrade your anger level to a lower amount. I suggest some anger therapy classes which I'm pretty sure your parents took when they found out you were a boy. :cookieMonster:

What? Might I remind you of this topic? I have never seen anyone use as many curse words in one post. And where on Earth do you get the sense that I am "angry"? I was just simply retaliating. I dare you to find ONE obscene word in my post and tell ME I have anger issues.

Also if Snot left the community, it would fall apart.


Blockland = Blockland
Blockland + it's community = omgwtf
it's community + Snot! :D = lesswtf
lesswtf + blockland = Blockland! :D
Blockland - lesswtf = omgwtf

Therefore, if we take Snot! :D out of the equation, Blockland falls apart.


This community(without Snot! :D):
Grammar national socialist level: 56%
BURN THE NOOB level: 99%
KILL THE NOOB level: 78%
self proclaimed emo level: 5%
commonly viewed as emo level: 20%
serious level: 89%
meme level: 11%
anti-depressant level: 1%

This community(with Snot! :D):
Grammar national socialist level: 52%
BURN THE NOOB level: 98%
KILL THE NOOB level: 78%
self proclaimed emo level: 3%
commonly viewed as emo level: 15%
serious level: 59%
meme level: 47%
anti-depressant level: 34%

My research leads me to conclude that balanced amounts of Snot! :D reduces the communities tendancy to flame, and increases non-serious situations, thus relaxing the crazy grammar national socialist noob exterminators that make up the community.

Less Snot! :D leads to higher emo levels and a dramatic 30% increase in number of people who leave the forum per week.

Snot haters also lower the amount of Snot! :D that gets through, thus increasing friction between normal people who have nothing against eachother.

Sampapa: Post this please. If you want to. "It was my breakdown. STOP FREAKING STRESSING OVER ME. ITS PATHETIC."

I have no response to that :panda:

Seriously, Bacon, you have got to degrade your anger level to a lower amount. I suggest some anger therapy classes which I'm pretty sure your parents took when they found out you were a boy. :cookieMonster:

What? Might I remind you of this topic? I have never seen anyone use as many curse words in one post. And where on Earth do you get the sense that I am "angry"? I was just simply retaliating. I dare you to find ONE obscene word in my post and tell ME I have anger issues.
First of all, that topic is pretty much not up to date. (Apparently they are going nowhere in their dates, so they've broken up a long time ago.). So...That's worthless link right there.

Waaah, you've never seen so many curse words in one post. Try hearing twice as much of those curse words in real life coming from the lips of gangsters walking down your street at the dead of night, and tell me you haven't seen or heard someone say or post that many curse words.

Although you do have a point at the angry/retaliating part, you still need to and SHOULD have calmed down in Sampapa's topic. For pandaing sake you flamed all those who wanted him to come back (And left), because everyone flamed him just because of a joke video he made because he was bored.

P.S. Can you stop trying to get Sampapa to run over here and get someone to post his message? Really loving gay.

Whoops, giant picture in wrong thread.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 10:09:25 PM by Dilt »

What does the date of that topic have to do with whether its a valid example of extreme teenage angst or not?

I know for a fact you completely pulled that little "story" out of your :nes: so that was just a waste of bandwidth. And what relevance does it have to anything I said? Just because they say bad words doesn't mean you have to emulate it.

And for that P.S. part, I am certainly not Sampapa's lackey but I thought it would clear up some things with other people. He read your reply before I did and he thinks that it is just pathetic, as do I.

Bump! This topic, and its predecessor, are the best topics on the forum at the moment.

Its fun to see how people like Aviv fail attempt to react to attacks such as this.

It's survival of the fittest i'm afraid.

Wtf don't post things for banned people.

He, like others quit because they (apparently) have nothing more to say. That's the point of no longer posting.

But if they were banned. Its the ultimate lose in all arguments. Their opinions are officially never valid again.
And I would prefer not to hear him speak from the grave.
He decided he was done here. Then don't play that nooby crawling back for more game. And don't help him do it.

I saw this guy, at school and i swear he looked EXACTLY like aviv

Well his one avatar he had before.

Ban those who post for banned people. It's like an alternative account that can't be banned because another person's using it.

What would you do, if Badspot admit that he was gay, would you flame him and call him a friend

I'd be surprised, mainly due to the fact that he created Age of Time and has a tendency to draw.. uhh.. pictures in his spare time.