Author Topic: Say one thing you dislike about the above user.  (Read 6291 times)

Not Christmas yet get it right

Sometimes a little annoying without trying to be, like being too serious almost

Jesus forget I was talking about the "Let It Go" song in general

skip me

Just a nice sweaty sack of balls

Jesus forget I was talking about the "Let It Go" song in general

skip me
ok i know you're probably sick of people dogging you for saying something was old, but im being serious, you shouldve lurked longer before beginning posting.

i dont know how long you lurked or if you did at all.  im just saying its a good way to learn what is ok and whats not without having it taught to you the hard way.

take like a week break from posting and just watch people.  then see if when you post again you fit in a little better.

EDIT: ontopic, just skip me.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 03:51:58 PM by ABlockOfCheese »

Just a nice sweaty sack of balls
I don't know why but his avatar just irritates me

Not a very good halloween avatar, just looks like spoiled make-up!

was a problem at first

I haven't seen you post in a while so nothing