Author Topic: date you bought blockland=how you die  (Read 2666 times)

1st: hit by a baseball bat
2nd: hit with shovel
3rd: burnt to death
4th: blown up
5th:hit in the face with a wrench
6th: bullets to the everywhere
7th: your heart is taken out of your body
8th: bullet to the head
9th: boot to the head
10th: stabbed in the back
11th: you found out why we don't have nice things
12th: you get a job at freddy's. You know the pizza place from 5 nights a freddy's
13th: FUS RO DAHed
14th: you got outside in the day as a vampire and you don't sparkle
15th: you are struck down by a flying ice cream truck
16th: ban-hammerd from life
17th: you go outside as a vampire at night and meet simon belmont
18th crash into the sun
19th: Rick Rolled to death
20th: you reealized how bad my grammar really is
21th: a mob of 7s breaks into your house eats all your cake and then eats you
22th: you teleported bread
23th: drowned
24th: it's best you don't know
25th: you get a job at Mcdonalds as a chickenMcnuget 
26th: crtl+k
28th: you ate a pen
29th: chestburster
30th: you didn't cacth'em all
31th: old age   

i bought mine on the 32th

How am I supposed to know what date I bought blockland on? The e-mail was probably deleted a few years back.

So, I'm just going with my birthday:
21th: a mob of 7s breaks into your house eats all your cake and then eats you

i bought it in 2008 how am i going to remember the exact date
i will do a random number thing instead
Quote from: 17
you go outside as a vampire at night and meet simon belmont

> th

omg I died.


you're just a bunch of swollen- i mean swell girls

15th: you are struck down by a flying ice cream truck
at least i died a tasty way

Don't remember my purchase date, so I'll use the day I signed up on the forums.
13th: FUS RO DAHed
I'm okay with this.

I got it on the 23rd....
my name is Ben Hendrix

if you dont get it im gonna fall victim to the bendrowned creepy pasta
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 09:03:07 PM by RobloxDude048 (R3nd3rm4n) »

> th

I posted no th date but if i were to it would be: headcrabs