Author Topic: Why do many users refer to the time v8-9 as the "Golden Age" of Blockland?  (Read 3609 times)

I'm curious.  I wasn't around then and I'd like to have an idea of what it was like.

Because that's when we joined. There is just about no other reason.

Nostalgia i'm guessing

White people trying to become black but turning out gold...

Probably when the high amount of players joined the game at that time.

Probably when the high amount of players joined the game at that time.
Also, v9 introduced Events with allowed for gamemodes and other good stuff to be made. Events made many things possible in Blockland.

The truth? General nostalgia.

Things were different back then (and wow do I feel old saying that) with regard to the community in general. This was before the age of RTB where you knew where people were at any given time, so people tended to have 'home' servers that they spent a lot of time on. This created a general sense of community on servers that were up all the time that simply doesn't exist much anymore outside of admin circles. Clans were also actually somewhat of a thing, they were never super popular but people did bind together which was cool to experience. The playerbase seemed more localized, you'd see the same people over and over again rather than joining a server and seeing nobody you know. As far as feature sets went, v9 was probably the version with the single most things available. And it was well utilized -- v8-v11 was definitely the 'golden age' of Blockland scripters. That was a huge one. No offense meant to any current scripters (myself included), but the scripters that were around in v9 were better than you. NiXiLL, Trigun, Truce, Ephialtes, etc. However, they've all pretty much left for the same reason: Badspot's attitude towards modders and development of the game.

that was the peak of blockland, when we were still unaware of the disappointments to come

i've never heard this before

I think because the mods were great, and we had maps/terrain, a bunch of tdms, and it was just fun to play.

Blockland to me is still fun to play now, but I guess it doesn't have the charm anymore.

Unique add-ons.
Kind-ish community.

Back when development on the game was a thing.

The truth? General nostalgia.
doesnt nostalgia have a certain rule? that it must be like really really old to be considered nostalgia

doesnt nostalgia have a certain rule? that it must be like really really old to be considered nostalgia
No, not really. The term originates from military people who got excessively homesick while serving to the point where the depression made them unable to serve. So the term drifted from there to mean missing the past, and now it's come into colloquial and then actual dictionary use to mean that warm feeling you get when you think about the past.

so who was that who said nostalgia is linked with a big age difference. i recall there being a debate on this forum about it.