Author Topic: #gamergate megathread  (Read 134584 times)

i'm just regurgitating what the mods of 4chan said.
remember when moot shilled out and hired a bunch of tumblr nerds to be mods? yeah

remember when moot shilled out and hired a bunch of tumblr nerds to be mods? yeah
remember when kimon regurgitated unsubstantiated statements from schizophrenic jackasses? yeah

1. what loving reason would the mods have for lying?
Because they are censoring 4chan when they have NEVER done it before. Use your head for gods sake
2. this argument was about whether or not the banning of GG discussion on r/games was justified. forget off.
Which is isn't since the pathetic reasons you listed before I disproved

« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 10:46:28 PM by Kimon² »


Theirs no real point in trying to reason with him. He's just going to sidestep the argument and fling stuff like he always does.

hey, look a single loving mod went berserk! that totally proves my conspiracy theories that moot is shilling for tumblr cigarettes, and hired a dozen of them to police his site!

which it* isn't since the pathetic reasons you listed before I disproved?
uh, no? I don't see anywhere in the above posts where you proved that GamerGate has anything to do with the production, mechanics, or even plot of video games. Guess loving what, that's what r/Games is for. If it's not that, then it can go to forgetin' r/kotakuinaction

I don't see anywhere in the above posts where you proved that GamerGate has anything to do with the production, mechanics, or even plot of video games.

the argument was about whether or not the banning of GG discussion on r/games was justified. forget off.

because these totally have to do with video games.


  • Administrator
i'm just regurgitating what the mods of 4chan said. if you can't deal with that then you can forget off.

If you're blindly regurgitating false statements, then you deserve criticism.  You cannot use your own mental deficiency as a shield.  Tone down the hostility (that goes for everyone).

get your loving facts straight you mongoloid.

>be sjw
>use mongoloid as insult


i'm just regurgitating what the mods of 4chan said. if you can't deal with that then you can forget off.

User was banned for this post
rip zombiloin
Tone down the hostility (that goes for everyone).
yeah that's true

also confirmed that suzy has no actual basis for her stance on gamergate

Wait who is suzy and whats her argument?

Thank you based Badspot

I'll try to be nicer too.

User was banned for this post
rip zombiloin 2013-2014
hasn't even been a full year
why shouldn't it be allowed on r/games could someone explain
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 02:07:49 AM by Gojira »

Wait who is suzy and whats her argument?
egoraptor's wife, she said gamergate didnt care about women on game grumps without any explanation

why shouldn't it be allowed on r/games could someone explain

Because zombiloin said so

tumblr now demanding the ability to become fat in more videogames