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Author Topic: Anagaea II – A New Age of Empires [1117 AD]  (Read 112215 times)

If nationalism doesn't Annoying Orange religiously based political ties, perhaps Avalonia was too quick to grant them equality.
Strange, because the concept of nationalism didn't exist until relatively recently.
Anyways, Alîbîyin Alisud members are sent to support the Southern Muslims. Numbering 100 Calvary Officers, 700 Calvary Members, 20 Infantry Officers, 140 Infantry Members, and 10 Infiltrators (To be used for sabotage, espionage & assassination). General Anas Nejem guides them, with Baqir Tawfeek serving as his Hars.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 08:19:56 PM by mlockha »

Strange, because the concept of nationalism didn't exist until relatively recently.
In name only.  Attempts to make the state the peoples' god go as far back as civilization itself.  The Pharaohs made themselves gods.  Kings have exerted their power over churches (Charlemagne barely tolerated the Pope putting the crown on his head when he was gonna do it himself).  Secular thinking has been employed in modern times.  I simply call it by the shortest name.

Whatever.  Avalonia continues to covertly do shady business with South Calzonian factions.

Following requests from the Plexian representative, the High Command makes its annual budget public.

The Order of the Golden Lion founds Lion College in Kosbrunn.  It's an invitation only university that, for free, trains young men in some useful field, to be honorable, and oftentimes in the art of war.  This is the first time that the Order has done anything of this nature publicly (it is a secret society after all, if it is a poorly kept secret, much about its inner workings is not).  Similar colleges are set up in Ingol (Plexia's capitol), Cathair Arda (Britonic States' capitol), and Geran's capitol, which has remained unnamed for a long time now.

Atensia's forces in South Calzone meet with very little open resistance, and many factions simply move out of the way of oncoming armies and step back in place when they've passed by.  There are a few small but drawn out skirmishes, but the Ateni forces don't take too many losses.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 09:07:52 PM by Plethora »

The scientists at the Academy of Kai have noted prolonged winter periods in the region and unusual levels of precipitation. Combined with the new colder temperatures, snow is seen in the Navaro territory for the first time in thousands of years and many are worried about the effects the weather would have on their crops.

The Kai academy releases a list of herb and vegetable substitutes recorded from further north regions that should be able to hold out better against the increasing frosts, however many are encouraged to seek refuge further south in the capitol of Daijoua where the repairs on the city are almost complete, readying up the workforce to allow for more developments near the city.

The increased reliance on the southern Kastwata farms has caused the farmers in that region to demand further payment in response to their increased burden, which is provided in promises of plans to allow for the future independence of the farmers to sell their crops to other nations, should the infrastructure be successfully completed in the port towns.

The Kai returning from Tsugiri tell of a fierce storm for fire and hail of stone so hot it was molten that had billowed forth from the volcano. The Kai had attempted evacuate villages as he left the mountain but could convince none to follow. Only after the eruption when he attempted to survey the region did he claim to have found a lone child emerging from the scorching smoke.

He brought this child with him to the capitol and the child was examined by the top practitioners of medicine but could not find anything wrong with him, and the boy was taken to begin studying at the school of Kai, for he was without parents to retrieve him and showed great wisdom, unable to understand the child when he first spoke his name in his native language, they refered to the boy as Tsugiri, after the mountain from which he emerged.

The Kai whom had returned from the volcano with the boy died less than a week afterwards, having for days prior been coughing up clumps of dust and black mucous.

Ahhh, I understand what you mean now Plethora. I was thinking of secular nationalism, just being involved with the state and things like that. I get what you're going towards now.

To be fair I wasn't clear with that, and it is sort of like an early version of that (one with a historical basis in Avalonia mind you), but not to the level that we associate with the term 'nationalism' today.  Kind of a conglomerate of centralized power and xenophobia.

Turtle Island was one of the few places that remained loyal to the Council and was the first place back with the Union.  That's why it remained gold on map updates when most of the rest became NPC color.  Given that they spent the time, energy, and lives in uncompromising support of the Council, I find it doubtful that they'd bail now, especially with nationalism reaching a high pitch.
Oh, I thought that they were against it.  In that case, the opposite occurs.

The Cassians that remain are essentially the ones that are loyal.  If nationalism doesn't Annoying Orange religiously based political ties, perhaps Avalonia was too quick to grant them equality.  Either way, they are not key players in Avalonia by any means.
Ex:  America, which by-in-large calls or called itself a "Christian" nation invaded the Muslim Middle East.  Now the Middle East associates all of America, even though Christians are not the whole of the group, with declaring war against their culture and beliefs.  Avalonia would easily be lumped into that category as a whole for supporting S. Calzone.

Swat, does "covertly" mean mean nothing to you?
The Cassians have some government positions, right?  Surely this couldn't go completely unnoticed.  Even if Cassians with government jobs were factored out, I doubt that any sudden movement of government employees and State wagons full of "Oh this is nothing to see", some protocol that allows wagons to pass through any checkpoints* (which I would imagine would be frequent and thorough in Avalonia's period of post-distress), along with sudden shipments westward by sea would arouse no suspicion at all.  There's a good chance it would also provoke some further investigation, whether sanctioned by an organization or by personal curiosity.

*These wagons, I would believe would have some way to hide the trainers and weapons in a fishy manner that would otherwise be thoroughly checked by inspectors.

Either way it was kinda a dumb move because unless you teach S. Calzone to use scorched earth methods to an extreme extreme extent and literally be flawless in that respect (Which I consider powergaming), HN members' experts WILL notice Avalonian make and will without a doubt declare holy war.

Anyways, Alîbîyin Alisud members are sent to support the Southern Muslims. Numbering 100 Calvary Officers, 700 Calvary Members, 20 Infantry Officers, 140 Infantry Members, and 10 Infiltrators (To be used for sabotage, espionage & assassination). General Anas Nejem guides them, with Baqir Tawfeek serving as his Hars.
The other Emirates accompany Galaumia with at least matched forces.

To be fair I wasn't clear with that, and it is sort of like an early version of that (one with a historical basis in Avalonia mind you), but not to the level that we associate with the term 'nationalism' today.  Kind of a conglomerate of centralized power and xenophobia.
If I am not mistaken, are you at least loosely modeling after Sparta?

Also how did the Kai get all the way to Tsugiri?

Other HN forces sans the Second Aspian Empire and a notable portion of East Albiton meet up with Atenisia's forces.  East Albiton issues an ultimatum to what South Calzonian government can be found, calling for either merciful or merciless occupation.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 09:53:00 PM by SWAT One »

Atenisia asks all of the minor HN nations to disperse their force away from the front and go over the land that was marched over by the Atenisian army and stay there to keep the peace/assert HN dominance.

Atenisia then, with East Albiton and the 3rd largest HN nation in the current region, starts to head out once again.
It hopes that the larger numbers will make faction leaders stuff their panties and surrender their leadership.

Atenisia mumbles an agreement to Albiton's ultimatum.

Word of Avalonian weapons being found in South Calzone skirmishes give way to a little talk about Avalonian acitivity in the area.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 09:56:53 PM by Swat 3 »

E. Albiton refuses, and posts Atenisia in a support role to back up Marivus, Dirvash and E. Albiton, which are leading.  Sweisen and Arcano are put on reserve.

E. Albiton refuses, and posts Atenisia in a support role to back up Marivus, Dirvash and E. Albiton, which are leading.  Sweisen and Arcano are put on reserve.

We were third vote to lead.


Atenisia can into be leader too :((


As far as the loyalty of Cassians in Avalonia goes, there has been the utmost effort to cultivate loyalty to the state among all citizens, and loyalty to the Cassian or any other church as a secondary loyalty has been tolerated.  Loyalty to the Holy Nations != loyalty to the Cassian Church, and would be exactly the sort of thing that prevented Cassians from being equal citizens in past and hopefully won't in future.

As far as covertly goes, you say that these people are going to Turtle Island and the ships stop in on South Calzone while they're there as part of the ongoing effort to reclaim important stuff from the havoc that is South Calzone.

To be clear, I view South Calzone as already lost.  I'm just trying to make the Holy Nations pay as dearly as is safe for the New Union for their invasion of land which the New Union had obvious plans for.

As far as loosely Spartan, I'm not familiar enough with Greek culture to give a definitive answer, nor do I have the time at the moment to do research on the matter.  Suffice to say that there has been a long standing political/cultural/historical basis for this sentiment in Avalonia, and if it resembles Sparta, so be it.

South Calzone, lacking any central government, issues no response.  Many factions, seeing the increasing force from the Holy Nations, consolidate and put up some weak resistance.  Other factions disband or go underground.  Quite a few on the borders simply leave and become bandit groups in different territory, causing traffic along the Argent Dabo road and other smaller trade routes to become increasingly dangerous.  Many people seem resistant to conversion to the Cassian faith, associating it with the dark times of the dictator, while many zealots formerly expelled from Atensia or Avalonia already wholeheartedly accept it, but generally dislike the Holy Nations', and particularly Atensia's, involvement.

Also, South Calzone was a part of the Avalonian Union.  All its weapons are Avalonian.  Suspecting Avalonia of current involvement is like suspecting Russia for involvement in a former Soviet state because because military forces there are using Kalashnikovs (setting aside the Ukraine's position these past few months).
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 10:19:27 PM by Plethora »

I mean like, there are other ways we could easily know that you are participating in helping South Calzone.

The Holy Nations are not a group of idiots.

Also how did the Kai get all the way to Tsugiri?
There has to be a punchline response to that I can't think of right now.
He was there before the world became huge, if you think it took him too soon to return after the volcano for him to have made the journey I can copypaste the post to another day, but then it kinda sucks cause the actual guy rescuing the kid would probably have died on the way back with the extended travel time leaving only the kid and the Kai's personal attendants to return with the story, also meaning while whatever documents written up prior to the explosion, we wouldn't have the Kai's direct telling of the experience losing vital scientific knowledge. I was hoping this wouldnt be the case but if it makes it more balanced then fine.

The other Emirates accompany Galaumia with at least matched forces.
Just so everyone understands and doesn't start thinking Galaumias at war right now:
Alîbîyin Alisud is a holy group manned by Muslims that wage war against heathens. They are NOT Galaumian federal forces. They are stationed in Galaumia and have ties to the Galaumian throne. They would most likely support the Emirates in any holy action they take, as mandated by their support for Muslims across the Islamic world. The Emirates also likely support Alîbîyin Alisud because the Emirates are Muslim and wish to see Alîbîyin Alisud succeed.

So, TL;DR: Alîbîyin Alisud is a Muslim group that sometimes acts on behalf of the Emirates/Galaumia, and are stationed in Galaumia, but are not Galaumian federal forces. They pledge to help Muslims everywhere, and are currently helping Muslims in the south of Sjinai.

The Resunese horde continues along their way away from home and finally stumble upon their collision path with Ezbatan states. Finding that there is civilization already here, and practically ripe for the picking, they march in and declare a considerable but modest chunk of the southern eastern states their home-- and begin marching in their soldiers to either peacefully annex or besiege the cities, of around six states.

Initially, three states in the Tsekēnese region unite, in order to fight against the Resunese.  When two states fall, three more Tsekēnese states come to their aid.  At the end of seven years, three states fall completely under the control of the Resunese.  The word spreads throughout Ezbátu, and while most states cannot aid in the conflict, a few send mercenaries, or volunteers hoping to restore a feeling of unity of the states come from all corners of Ezbátu.  After the three states fall, the advance slows down, apparently from pressure of supporting states.  During the conflict, the Sjinese government-in-exile flees to an allied Erinamese state, Nïniet.

There has to be a punchline response to that I can't think of right now.
He was there before the world became huge, if you think it took him too soon to return after the volcano for him to have made the journey I can copypaste the post to another day, but then it kinda sucks cause the actual guy rescuing the kid would probably have died on the way back with the extended travel time leaving only the kid and the Kai's personal attendants to return with the story, also meaning while whatever documents written up prior to the explosion, we wouldn't have the Kai's direct telling of the experience losing vital scientific knowledge. I was hoping this wouldnt be the case but if it makes it more balanced then fine.
Just to make this clear, everywhere in the old Resunese region and surrounding it is to be considered ground zero.  Also, to make this clear, a gigantic cloud of ashes covers the Earth, and temperatures have dropped to the point of where sea ice can be seen in as little as a thousand miles from the tropics.

As far as the involvement goes in Avalonia, my point is that Avalonian equipment at the very least will be found in the hands of South Calzonian resistance.  This scandal will spread amongst the Holy Nations and inevitably reach Avalonia by way of trade routes.  Before it reaches Avalonia, however, the Holy Nations would be preparing for yet another Liberation Crusade.  Regardless of what loyalty within Avalonia resists,  any information that gets out or returns in bad favor of Avalonia would create a rumor of Avalonia still harboring anti-Cassian sentiment, and therefore cause the Cassian Avalonians to at least doubt their government.

And no, me posting this does not give leeway via meta.