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Total Members Voted: 13

Author Topic: Anagaea II – A New Age of Empires [1117 AD]  (Read 112212 times)

Sorry, the Catholic CHURCH resides in East Albiton, the Catholic faith is pretty much everywhere but it is most definately around East Albiton.

It still reaches you because of me.

Sorry, the Catholic CHURCH resides in East Albiton, the Catholic faith is pretty much everywhere but it is most definately around East Albiton.

It still reaches you because of me.
That's like saying because there were Christians in the holy land then the Christian faith could reach the middle east. Just because your country (even in a plague ridden, down trodden state) exists as a half way marker between Albition & Avalonia does not mean that you therefore act as a booster to extend the range of Albition.

Why is no one taking into consideration the high probability that in honesty, back in those ages, nobody probably gave too much of a honest stuff about religion except those who could genuinely profit from it

There's a distinct reason that I talked about my Warrior Buddhism as I did-- Which only consisted of it's spreading and the fact that no one forgeted with it, because it honestly had a distinct purpose that affected the smallfolk of Resu. It gave the people a chance to avoid being directly caught up in the middle of conflict, gave them food, and gave them shelter-- And honestly probably half of them in the sects probably didn't even really believe in the Warrior Buddhism as much as they let on. It was the one true way to get away from the prying eyes of the nobility, because as far as the nobles knew, they were a religious organization that fought for peace of the land, and would fight against any who tried to stop that

Aspidis did something very similar, they made a religion in which honestly half of them didn't really give a stuff about actually believing there was a god damn snake that gave birth to people, because it simply acted as a medium to allow profits of both people in high status' and small status to prosper, in honesty it was just meant to keep people from being too depressed about death, because the government knew that if war comes and people are getting slaughtered left and right, that their sadness will change to anger and anger amongst the smaller people is bad. And all they had to do was make it look like they're a bunch of emos that worshiped a self impregnating snake with two heads that were alright with death to people off from it, cause they knew well that having the religion spread would kinda ruin the point considering is was meant to keep their own morale up amongst those who believed in it and those who didn't, cause when nobility died the small folk ended up profiting from it from the wealthier churches, who would just say "yo that guys dead but you're alive, have some bread and go do something while you're not in the ground."

Oh and they spewed reincarnation amongst the kids so they weren't as afraid to die if they joined the armies, that kinda helped out with things as well

All in all, what I'm saying is it's more realistic to assume people honestly don't give too much of a forget about religion if they don't profit from it in some way. Resu profited from it with tons of stuff, aspidis not so much but it still worked out. Christianity just gives you a pat on the back and tells you to not be a cunt at the most, and then they go and burn your dead uncles corpse because they saw a rat on it and don't want mutated ebola.

Why is no one taking into consideration the high probability that in honesty, back in those ages, nobody probably gave too much of a honest stuff about religion except those who could genuinely profit from it
Well no, if religion didn't work on the public it wouldn't have been so efficiently able to allow people to use it to hold sway over aforementioned public.
That said there is a long history of fluctuating borders of influence, for a few hundred year period, Christianity was very common throughout the middle east until it was for a while superceded by the overwhelming muslim faith and then back to Christian again during the crusades, then back to muslim again etc, even around the supposed holy cities of each faith.

Im thinking its about time for Atensia to go south and force people to be more catholic according to around now being within the the first crusadesish era if im not mistaken, (not that I am saying they would be 100% successfull of course)

Well no, if religion didn't work on the public it wouldn't have been so efficiently able to allow people to use it to hold sway over aforementioned public.

I'm not saying that religion doesn't work on the public, I'm saying is we've gotta stop using it as the one thing that makes literately everyone go like "yeah these guys are correct" cause time and time again i just see people tossing men at their enemies and vice versa, and nearly half the time it's composed of "captain leonardo franchetii gives a speech about god and all of the men go and fight in the name of christianity and dont care if they die" or they do "the mayor/king/george lucas gives a speech about how god is nice and that they should all help with everything, and that everyone does that exact thing" and more often than not they literately mean everyone. Of course not in those exact words, but that's the general meaning of whatever they said.

Religion works in some cases but in honesty there's still a good chunk of people that honestly don't give a stuff about it, and honestly from what I've interpreted religion was more of a boost to sway people as it was the literal sole reason in most cases, except you know all the other times that people did listen simply due to religious chants/rants

tl;dr westboro baptist church hasn't happened yet, religion alone won't get people to do what you say without flaw, and that people are probably more concerned with getting materialistic or any other more realistically substantial gain than they are a guy in the cloud smoking weed and loving chicks giving them their approval, despite the latter sounding rather appealing.

Tsugiri Bao has been found dead in his quarters, appearently assasinated. Natwana-Wun becomes Bao and gives an emergency speech to calm the troubled nation asking for the peace and civility while the situation is under investigation and asks that no finger point be had, although there still is alot of finger pointing to the Rustuffe Gungixians who have long supported the Kim line of rule in the nation, and have been pressing for the current secretary of state to be given rights over the religious rulings of the nation.

No current Disciple has yet been chosen.

Your thick cynicism aside, while it is sensible to assume that rational choice plays into things, you seem to be superimposing your own mindset on the majority of the human race; religious zeal isn't unreasonable, and while rice christians from all faiths would unquestionably be a reality, it seems more reasonable to put them in areas where there is poverty and converts rather than the bastions of the religions.

While I'm not trying to say that you're wrong, I will say that you detract from the power of religion overmuch.  It's for a reason that it was (largely successfully) used to control the masses for centuries.

Elephant breeding, an activity once held for merely ceremonial purposes, becomes more widespread throughout the empire as researchers at the Academy of Kai assert their relatively high intelligence and capacity for adaptation into society, after studying many of these animals. The Arm of Bao specifically requests several dozen of the fittest bred pachyderms to be delivered to their training facilities that the soldiers there may incorporate these massive beasts into their tactics.

The act of poaching Elephants for their ivory is now considered a felony by the state resulting in immediate excommunication and a mark declaring trade partners not to interact with entities known for participating in the slaughter of the wise giants.

Gonna have to void two things, Ladios, unless you can explain them.  The world is still dark and cooled; Ru'sh NAL would hardly be a place to keep elephants, as it would have a climate similar to South/Central Manitoba at this point.  With that in mind, all nations should treat their population in similar ways—there would be a great scarcity of food, and economies, morale, etc. would be more difficult to sustain.  However, the ash is clearing.  Patches of sun can be seen in the more polar regions.

The second is the influence of Gungixao, although undoubtedly related to Ru'sh Naal, would be rejected due to the isolationist political circle preventing it from participating in foreign affairs of any kind.

Plethora, I have to say that in part, I agree with grunter.  While you are entitled to control the reactions of people in your national bounds, the culturally contrary groups do not always work in the same way.  For instance, China's "Sphere of Influence" period was something that China had little control of.  I'm not implying that the Cassians are revolutionaries, but they, even though loyal to Avalonia, should in part be treated as an autonomous body.  To say only that Cassianism loses ground seems a little bit unfair.  In the tumultuous Avalonian Revolution, could Cassians have used the opportunity to spread a message of peace and solidarity?

For another note, the Cassian Avalonians seem to be much more moderate–Sweisen and Avalonian Cassians are the most so out of all.

Swat, if you have any further requests, please use the support website.

They could have preached such a message, but that's simply not what happened; most of the big dogs backed the dictator, and following his fall from power they were stripped of their property and exiled.  The ones that remain are the ones that largely stayed out of the political arena, and their descendants, even though the dictator's regime was at that point decidedly more favorable to Cassians; it's because they stayed out of politics and the military, and thereby proved at least some level of their loyalty, that they are currently in a better position than they were before the Revolution.

When I say that Cassianism loses ground, I'm not saying that people are suddenly all loyal Dreibetungists now.  Unless a group believes itself to be separate and is believed to be so by the whole, the things that actually make it so will gradually begin to be watered down by similarities with the whole (melting pot).  The big thing happening in Avalonia now is that national identity and loyalty is taking precedence in Avalonian minds over religious identity; the big identifier making them separate is now relatively less important than the identifier making them the same.  They are in fact a minority, and as a result, the relative change among them is greater than that of the whole.  That's not to say that they've suddenly been wholly accepted by society and lost everything that made them unique - but they cannot help but become more and more a part of the whole (unless you're the Zitidist Belanese who have stayed separate by their own design but have, unlike the Cassians, never been considered a threat to Avalonian sovereignty or culture as a result of their actions).
« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 05:49:45 PM by Plethora »

the influence of Gungixao, although undoubtedly related to Ru'sh Naal, would be rejected due to the isolationist political circle preventing it from participating in foreign affairs of any kind.
So this is an entire misunderstanding, I meant the Rustuffes who are of Gungixian decent. My nation is a collection of vastly differentiatably peoples, the Gungixians since the founding have considered themselves more civilized and apt to lead the nation.
I am not stating anything about the nation state Gungixao, sorry for the confusion.

The world is still dark and cooled; Ru'sh NAL would hardly be a place to keep elephants, as it would have a climate similar to South/Central Manitoba at this point. 
I am pretty sure elephants wouldn't have gone extinct during the previous period of global cooling. Moreover the region I am in on the border of a costal forested inlet and a larger deserty steppe region is where many indian elephants, (specifically the type used for such cultural practices) would reside.
The climate change would see the natural migration of the animal, however ones kept in adequat captivity would perform better than those in the wild during this time. Even with the climate change the jump from a climate akin to india all the way to something similar to canada does seem quite a stretch, and the continental climate you are claiming makes no sense for the southern half of my nation, yes they would see it quite a few degrees colder but the ocean does stabilize things quite a bit. My climate would be more akin to modern day washington state due to the increased rainfall which is still quite a change from its more monsony structure, in any case there are many types of elephants... argh getting too nerdy about this...

Ok so did alot more research into elephants than I have planned. They would certainly not survive in the northern Navaro province, but as the majority of my population is concentrated in my southern city Daijoua by the coast, it is likely most of these elephants would have to remain there.

That said it makes more sense that being culturally significance, efforts would be taken to maintain their populations in the areas they can still survive, meaning I still hold that the anti-poaching bill is passed, however I don't think it is feasible to be sending elephants on rampant expeditions at this time. Moreover because I hate retconning situations: after bringing several of the elephants to the training grounds, they became ill and it was determined they were not currently fit for the environment. While efforts to develop garb to help these creatures adapt to the northern climate are under way, it seems unfeasible to utilize these intelligent companions at this time, although it is recorded that this should be a nifty idea if they needed to fight battles in warmer climates in the future.

Now I feel like doing an ice-age/prehistoric fantasy nation RP with druids and mastodon spearmen.

Yeah I didn't want to go there cause it seemed a bit silly, however I hadn't really seen specific evidence of the fauna of the planet moreover how it may/maynot have been affected by humans. There used to be giant sloths in the amazon, scarier than bears and appearantly bulletproof that used to terrorize the populace until going extinct very recently in like the 1800s. There were once birds of prey larger than volkswagon beetles, which could carry a grown person, living in tasmania, going extinct within the past few thousand years. There were quite numerous megafauna in general in Austrailia until the humans kept doing controlled burns, destroying their native habitats.

Much of this due to culture combined with the regions the culture occured in, how are we to interperate the animal populace of this planet in general? Should we just assume they are pretty much the same animals found in similar regions to their earth counterparts, and things like the Dodo, for simplicities sake, only exist in folk tellings?

Atenisia begins to walk out of its plague era. It asks for loans from East Albiton in order to become richard-swaying Atenisia again.

(still backing how my RE would have affected Espovon and Aspidis)

I've been in Baltimore since Friday and I'll be a couple days til I can start posting again. Sorry gentlemen.