Author Topic: whare to download slayer  (Read 1309 times)

HELP!!! :panda:

I just vomited in my mouth a little over your post

Also, this is the SECOND MISPLACED POST. All help requests go to HELP SUBBOARD. All requests go to SUGGESTIONS AND REQUESTS. Seriously, it's not rocket-science

I don't get why people suggest that anyone should use that function, it's broken as stuff. I can't even find 1/10th of the posts which have me quoted in them even though searching for *tokthree* in message bodies should pick up on all of them

I don't get why people suggest that anyone should use that function, it's broken as stuff. I can't even find 1/10th of the posts which have me quoted in them even though searching for *tokthree* in message bodies should pick up on all of them
It does bring up ten pages of results and I bet that most of them are quotes.

There's an option to select which board to search in, for those who don't know. If you know this already, disregard this post.
By unchecking "Check All," it unchecks all the boards. You can select what boards to search in.
If I sound like a richard, I'm sorry, but it isn't that hard.
Or you can just google "BlockLand slayer" and it will most likely be the first result.

It does bring up ten pages of results and I bet that most of them are quotes.

I looked through the quotes and saw that there were none more recent than 2010, that's 4 years of posts containing my name that the search definitely doesn't pick up on and god knows how many posts from 2007-2010 that it didn't think were important enough. That's why I don't consider the search function to be at all useful. Obviously not because I can't jerk to all the times I was noticed on the forums but because if it omits so much content related to just my name then who knows how much stuff it omits from other searches as well.