Author Topic: Starzy- Grudge on me ever since I've been on BLF  (Read 6427 times)

he does the same thing to me
hes a forgetin tryhard lol
^ cunt when my uncle died above just read the whole thread he does the same stuff over and over being a general cunt
theres some other posts about it but im too lazy to go find them so ya
inb4 he comes in a barges in like a internet skinnyrichard " LOL YOU'RE ALL cigaretteS"

He seems like he's being an internet toughguy against the "weaker folk"

Regardless of whether you're Setro or not, I've noticed his rather obsessive tendency to comment negatively whenever you post.

Theres your problem, try updating your OS, windows 8.1/10 is better and faster.Can you atleast try to be a little less handicapped?
newer versions of Windows does this by default, stop posting moronic questions.
wanted to leave these here because he always enters my threads being some soccer mom on her period

he has the attitude as if it wasnt his wife that sucked his richard last night

he has the attitude as if it wasnt his wife that sucked his richard last night

Really, a huge portion of the stuff he says is uncalled for.

He just needs to stop is all.

Theres your problem, try updating your OS, windows 8.1/10 is better and faster.Can you atleast try to be a little less handicapped?

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now let the reaction gifs spam the thread

Actually, I would've stopped if Setro had PM'd me, he's pretty much forcing me to do this based on his lack of knowledge, half of the things he posts are easy fixes if he knew how to google.

Thats all I will be posting in this thread (+ if any of you bring up that I have been banned and instantly got another account, check the creation date of this account)

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« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 12:22:25 AM by Badspot »

Actually, I would've stopped if Setro had PM'd me, he's pretty much forcing me to do this based on his lack of knowledge, half of the things he posts are easy fixes if he knew how to google.

Thats all I will be posting in this thread (+ if any of you bring up that I have been banned and instantly got another account, check the creation date of this account)
welp i guess he isnt dead yet

Actually, I would've stopped if Setro had PM'd me
this is a huge copout of an excuse and means jack all to anyone

you were just being an starfish because it's easy to target people like maxx or setro

goddamn, starzy is to setro as creativename is to flatflyer

Actually, I would've stopped if Setro had PM'd me, he's pretty much forcing me to do this based on his lack of knowledge, half of the things he posts are easy fixes if he knew how to google.

Thats all I will be posting in this thread (+ if any of you bring up that I have been banned and instantly got another account, check the creation date of this account)

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Actually, I would've stopped if Setro had PM'd me, he's pretty much forcing me to do this based on his lack of knowledge, half of the things he posts are easy fixes if he knew how to google.

Thats all I will be posting in this thread (+ if any of you bring up that I have been banned and instantly got another account, check the creation date of this account)

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Alright, reaction gifs aside, you had this coming, Starzy.

If you happen to read this, I've learned that letting go of a bad past with someone almost always ends well for you.

Yes, we know what Maxxi and Setro have done. No, I'm certain noone here cares about them as much as you do. Your grudges are petty and unneeded.

If you happen to rejoin these forums, I'm sure everyone expects you to not act out with such unwarranted behavior.

Please take this advice into account.

Actually, I would've stopped if Setro had PM'd me, he's pretty much forcing me to do this based on his lack of knowledge, half of the things he posts are easy fixes if he knew how to google.

Thats all I will be posting in this thread (+ if any of you bring up that I have been banned and instantly got another account, check the creation date of this account)

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reported by yours truly