Author Topic: Kinsey Scale  (Read 9683 times)

I got a 4.

What the forget is this.

I AM A loving RAINBOW WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

Nah, I'm not saying you're gay. Just musing about whether tests like these can even be accurate. Even though my post sounded antagonistic, I am bringing up a pretty good point. There's a big flaw with these tests when there's people who aren't necessarily able to submit honest answers.
So do you mean you think I wouldn't submit honest answers because i'm "afraid" of what God or others would think?

So you think I wouldn't submit honest answers because i'm "afraid" of what God or others would think?
Probably, yeah. There's definitely other people who would be afraid of that.

Probably, yeah. There's definitely other people who would be afraid of that.
God already knows everything about me; I can't hide anything from him. He made me and knit me together in my mother's womb. I'm not worried or afraid of what he'd think.

As for what others would think; their opinions matter little to me in comparison to my standing before God.

God already knows everything about me; I can't hide anything from him. He made me and knit me together in my mother's womb. I'm not worried or afraid of what he'd think.

As for what others would think; their opinions matter little to me in comparison to my standing before God.
That makes sense, but there's gotta be some kind of cognitive dissonance going on when a latent-homoloveual Christian man fills out one of these tests. The conflict is between accepting that he has loveual urges towards men, or going to hell. In that situation he'd probably just suppress it.

The conflict is between accepting that he has loveual urges towards men, or going to hell. In that situation he'd probably just suppress it.
I don't see how that's a conflict at all. You make it sound like he doesn't have a choice in whether or not he likes men.

Planr saying that God knitted him together in his mother's womb made me just think of God in a phone call center with only Jesus with 7 billion phones answering prayers by answering the phones and using his magic or whatever stuff to do something.

"Holy stuff God, we've got a stuff load of people waiting on hold to get you to knit their kids together!" says Jesus, running around like crazy.
"Yeah, whatever." God says, taking out his knitting kit. Halfway through knitting, he falls asleep.....

And that's how people with downsyndrome are born.

And that's why I am going to hell.

Planr saying that God knitted him together in his mother's womb made me just think of God in a phone call center with only Jesus with 7 billion phones answering prayers by answering the phones and using his magic or whatever stuff to do something.

"Holy stuff God, we've got a stuff load of people waiting on hold to get you to knit their kids together!" says Jesus, running around like crazy.
"Yeah, whatever." God says, taking out his knitting kit. Halfway through knitting, he falls asleep.....

And that's how people with downsyndrome are born.

And that's why I am going to hell.


he's speculating to the humorous scenario where if god literally knitted together children in their mothers wombs.

You make it sound like he doesn't have a choice in whether or not he likes men.

I don't see how that's a conflict at all. You make it sound like he doesn't have a choice in whether or not he likes men.
I'm kinda divided on whether homoloveuality is entirely a choice or entirely involuntary. Since, there are definitely people who will sleep with men and later say that they aren't loveually attracted to men, so it couldn't have been an inherent part of their biology. But on the other hand, there are people who will declare themselves gay even if their entire lifestyle and beliefs do not really fit 'becoming a homoloveual'.

The best example I can think of the latter option is this mormon kid I saw on Youtube who decided to come out as homoloveual and stay celibate for the rest of his life. There's really no reason why he'd want to 'choose' to be gay since everything his life is based on is adverse to the homoloveual lifestyle, but he is gay.

My position is probably that some people choose and some people aren't really given the choice.

I don't see how that's a conflict at all. You make it sound like he doesn't have a choice in whether or not he likes men.
Today, Planr stepped directly into a minefield; More on this at 11.

This is called "wanting attention"
That's plausible as well, but there's still other reasons why I think it's involuntary for some people.

For example, the whole gay rights movement has kind of shied away from the stance that "gay marriage should be legal because homoloveuality is involuntary". It's more that "gay marriage should be legal because it doesn't cause any problems in the institution". If gay people wanted to accept that it's a choice, they could do it now without it harming the movement for gay rights. But there's still lots of gays who will swear that they had no choice in becoming gay.

The involuntary claim is supported by many biological factors

People who can "choose" between liking males and females are called biloveuals