Author Topic: Picture Perfect Photo Tutorials  (Read 1174 times)

Hey everyone! I made a channel dedicated to creating tutorials for you. This is my first tutorial about Split Frequency Editing in Photoshop. Please let me know what you think and any requests for future tutorials that you want to see.

Oh, Sweet. this is cool.

I think this is pretty conveniant, just next time lower the volume of the audio besides your voice, that notification scared me more than FNAF.

Thank you [Na Pulse] and InvisibleName. I turned off system audio in my next video so no jump scares. Sorry about that.
Here is my newest video where I talk about using Rulers in Photoshop. Hope it helps and as always any feedback is great. I want to improve these videos for you.

the key to success is to just keep them coming thick

the key to success is to just keep them coming thick

Working on it. I've got some awesome more hands on tutorial coming up!

Also. Last tutorial I forgot to include an important detail about rulers that will come in very useful when the rulers blend in with the background. Today I show you a quick tip on changing the color of your rulers in Photoshop.

Here's my newest one and I'm actually on camera this time. I realized I say "guys, and, shoot, and a few other words way too much". Let me know how I can improve and tell me what you want my next video to be about!