Author Topic: Blockheads, what grinds your gears?  (Read 2369 times)

What if we made an apology megathread, where we apologize for our sins on the forums?

dear op, sorry you are a friend

>10 point grading system
damn you have it easy
yeah really

last time I had a 10 point grading system was 4th grade

you never got extra credit before that made your grade a 10(# other than 0)?

Hehe I passed my first semester of Spanish 1 with a 109% overall grade.

For me, I get annoyed by:
  • Dismissive people
  • People who know more than you but aren't willing to properly educate you on their expertise (notably coders, electronic experts, and computer guys)
  • Go-getters
  • Fan clubs
  • Floating dust
  • Getting non-water soluble substances on me (e.g. lard, oil, etc), because I hate the slimy goo on me that doesn't come off when I get it wet
  • Social media diehards
  • Chicago Cubs
  • Snapchat
  • People who love watching golf
  • Armrests that are reclined backwards
  • People who eat my nacho cheese
  • Painting
  • Paper mache
  • Tree sap
  • Pancakes
  • Walking on sharp objects (gravel, weeds, sticks, etc)
  • Swearing
  • People who beg to use your stuff
  • People who beg to come in your house
  • Loud people
  • Sunny days
  • Hot days
  • Clear weather
  • Centipedes
  • People who put too much thought into their lists of things that annoy them

how can someone hate pancakes? :C

I really hate it when you start attacking a rather unsavory insect, and it disappears without leaving any body parts/juice behind.

i get bothered when people squish bugs for no reason

like wtf the little guys gone now

i get bothered when people squish bugs for no reason

like wtf the little guys gone now
you'd feel different when you have huge ass sugar ants swarming your desk, and tiny uncrushable baby sugar ants that chill in the food that you bring to your desk.

you'd feel different when you have huge ass sugar ants swarming your desk, and tiny uncrushable baby sugar ants that chill in the food that you bring to your desk.

Why do you leave food in your room

It grinds my gears when I run out of oil I mean that really hurts

you'd feel different when you have huge ass sugar ants swarming your desk, and tiny uncrushable baby sugar ants that chill in the food that you bring to your desk.

i said no reason

>10 point grading system
damn you have it easy

i am pretty sure an average of various forms of -/100 with varying score weights per marking period that make up your GPA is not easy

that's like, the whole of the USA who does this.

that's like, the whole of the USA who does this.
my school does

100-93 = A
92-85 = B
84-75 = C
74-70 = D
69-0 = F

my school does

100-93 = A
92-85 = B
84-75 = C
74-70 = D
69-0 = F
I would have failed my last year if my school had grades like THAT.

my school does

100-93 = A
92-85 = B
84-75 = C
74-70 = D
69-0 = F
hella gay

shouldn't there be like a standard

because GPA wouldn't be "fair" persay.