Author Topic: Las Vegas Tunnel people  (Read 1613 times)

Aren't their people that lives in the metro, sewers, and old tunnels under new York?

I understand why. When was the last time it rained in Vegas?
I used to live in Vegas and it snowed once thank you

Hey, it`s the mole people from Dues Ex!

i live in vegas. saw a dead hobo once in one of the washes nearby. there was a shotgun next to his body and a blood splat behind him

if humans can do it what would stop the REPTILIANS from doing it?!?!

I just reread this comment and realized we are absolutely screwed if the reptilian are really out to get us.

what do you even DO down there
Wait for natural selection to kill you

I don't know how people stand living in a foot of water all the time. Also it would be so dark to.

Well I mean, if the water isnt moving too fast, it shouldn't be a problem.

Buh dum tss

Only a nerd would get that reference pffft

Only a nerd would get that reference pffft
I've been watching fallout videos for the past week
I am a nerd :c

I've been watching fallout videos for the past week
I am a nerd :c
Liking Fallout makes you a nerd?

A gamer, maybe. Not a nerd.

Hey, it`s the mole people from Dues Ex!

What do you know about the mole people?
Their in the womens bathroom?
They said I couldn't come in there because they didn't like woman.

Liking Fallout makes you a nerd?

A gamer, maybe. Not a nerd.
Liking fallout 3 makes you an fps casual.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 07:32:07 PM by Harm94 »