Author Topic: Knee Football  (Read 653 times)

So, uh, blogland I guess.

On Wednesday night, I went to my friends' youth group. It was a football game that night, guys vs girls. Girls won, 7-0. 

But wait, there's more. They just barely won, after getting a lucky break past our defense. There were also 3-4 girls for every guy there (15-20 guys, and 45-60 girls). And, all the guys had to play on their knees, whereas the girls were standing up regularly.

Of course we were told by the girls that they "dominated" us, lol.

Was a lot of fun, but my knees both have big scabs and I was sore for a couple days after.

If you ever get the chance, you should totally try it.

hm that's weird

girls are usually better on their knees

hm that's weird

girls are usually better on their knees

Why did I not see that coming.

u got beat by a GIIIRRRLLL

Wow it's normally disproportionally guys.. you lucked out

Of course we were told by the girls that they "dominated" us, lol.

last time we played a match against girls i got hit with a hockey stick on my face