Author Topic: (x) Posts!  (Read 14383 times)

actually I just noticed that its a C and not an R

X E R was my answer but this big gay nerd had to ruin it for me

see this guy is a gigantic nerd. laugh at him

liek dis?

Yes, but you have yet to provide any strong evidence and/or counter arguments to support your case. Why go through the trouble of finding all of those topics only to say that they just show that this is a long running thing. I use "thing", because I'm not convince this is an issue. Is it pointless? Sure. Is it an issue? I don't think so.
Convince me!
It's a problem simply because it's spam. If you look through all the topics like I did you'll notice that only a few of the topics go over 3 pages in posts and a vast majority don't make it past 1 page making it an effect waste of space on the board page. All these spam topics follow the following format: "Line of text. <Image> Line of text." with little thought, time, or effort put into them. Even topics like "I found this video of a spider eating a grasshopper" offer some entertainment value or topic of discussion which is what any decent topic should strive for, even posts in the cesspool we call Off Topic. If you're really proud of your milestone just add a note to the end of your (x)'th post so if somebody doesn't give a stuff they don't have to see your topic on the front page for 2 days and be forced to somewhat care about your meaningless achievement.

if somebody doesn't give a stuff they don't have to see your topic on the front page for 2 days and be forced to somewhat care about your meaningless achievement.
you need psychological help

if somebody doesn't give a stuff they don't have to see your topic on the front page for 2 days and be forced to somewhat care about your meaningless achievement.
The logic in what you just said is minuscule. If someone doesn't give the slightest 1.5 stuffs, they can ignore it. They don't have to even look at it.

That is really stuffty logic. I don't give a stuff about MLP, does that mean their topic should be deleted too?

That is really stuffty logic. I don't give a stuff about MLP, does that mean their topic should be deleted too?
The mount of people that give a stuff about MLP is surprisingly greater than the amount of people  that give a stuff that you got 7113 posts on a message board for a block building game. The MLP topic is a lot more productive and informative than a topic with a user stating how many posts they have when it's right on their profile.

hey it's my recent one

The mount of people that give a stuff about MLP is surprisingly greater than the amount of people  that give a stuff that you got 7113 posts on a message board for a block building game. The MLP topic is a lot more productive and informative than a topic with a user stating how many posts they have when it's right on their profile.
because everyone checks everyone else's profile to see their post count on the daily basis
I get that it doesn't really matter, but why is it a problem?

because everyone checks everyone else's profile to see their post count on the daily basis
I get that it doesn't really matter, but why is it a problem?
It's because he seems to think it's a form of spam and should be against the rules and thinks it's hard to ignore a topic. I ignore all kinds of threads all the time, I don't see how he can't just ignore these threads.

That is really stuffty logic. I don't give a stuff about MLP, does that mean their topic should be deleted too?

yay I made one of the topics in the OP. Probably more but stopped after finding one.

Birthday threads and blogland posts also contribute nothing, but nobody seems to care about those.
At least 'blogland posts' have something to discuss, as do birthday threads, to an extent (I personally refrain from making them since they're generally pointless as well, but extending birthday wishes to one another is always a nice thing), but post count threads are simply pointless. There's nothing to talk about.

That is really stuffty logic. I don't give a stuff about MLP, does that mean their topic should be deleted too?

mlp is a bad example

That is really stuffty logic. I don't give a stuff about MLP, does that mean their topic should be deleted too?
yes but thats for obvious psychological reasons

these types of threads where people brandish the amount of fatass they are by patting themselves on the back for hitting a disgusting amount of posts isnt as big of a deal as is being rendered by OP but they shouldnt be made every forgetin time someone his 69 or 1337 or something stupid

I can't see much reason to them not being spam

I bet half of you guys have probably complained about a dumb BL fad in the past- well you're lookin at the biggest one ever