Author Topic: Zay's HALT: !! FIRST LEVEL ART DONE !!  (Read 57260 times)

Chris is back with some minor design changes. I put her next to Neil for cuteness

EDIT: dear god idk what was wrong with me but I made chris's head really big on that last drawing. it's fixed now
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 10:17:55 PM by Zay »

Chris is gonna get laid tonight

ninja dudes or sometin' idk

religious school is probably not even bad compared to a special needs school
not really that bad
religion class is easy usually and shorter class times on sunday
adoration sometimes, good to go to confession once in a while

WIP new solo character design! also some art style mixing and experimenting!

I like the artwork as well as the look of the game projects Zay. Is anyone of them public at the moment?

omg zay i love you so much

thx guys

btw knuckles I've never really finished a game project because I didn't start that long ago, only about a year and a half ago or something, and the only really free time I get is during summer and that doesn't last long. During school I just try to turn everything that comes into my mind into a short game that i don't finish to expand and practice my abilities

either way, our class announced the futsal t-shirt design to our grade and had 3 color schemes for people to vote for. everybody loved it and the red shirt won, and now we're gonna submit it to the uniform comittee so they can approve it and what-not

it probably won't be a while till we actually get the shirts so i'm gonna post the final design here

also yay finally week over so more drawerings

and updated ninjas
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 09:57:47 PM by Zay »

aww you aren't a freshman *puts his pennies away*

random doodles

first one from left to right is me! just practicing art style variety and drawing real people

more heads
taken out of context this sounds like you're out to decapitate people or something

new robot character design! been a while since I've done some robits

i hope it likes walking with no knees
edit: or are those tight pants