Author Topic: nobody cares how old you are.  (Read 24524 times)

are essays necessary to argue with someone?
Yes. You'll be marked on grammar.

I can see why taboo doesnt bother to read those paragraphs because good lord its just like looking at the edge of a razor blade

Lol @ rally wasting precious energy on birthday topics
I mean come on. They pop up 1-2 times on select days. And it's not like the topics are forced in front of your face. Just don't click on them.

Rally reminds me a little of my brother this one occasion. I overheard him mentioning Peter Dinklage to my mother because he was playing Destiny. About how the Ghost was voiced by him. My mom kinda just said "oh okay", and then he just kept talking. Trying to explain things and more examples of whatever. It felt like it lasted for 10 minutes. Of noise.

I thought it was called the Dinklebot.

Circle one answer:

Rally is...

a) trolling
b) being oversensitive about nothing
c) causing a huge argument over something most people don't give 2 craps about
d) a mix of the above

which one does "typing passive-agressive paragraphs about a non-issue" fall under

which one does "wasting time hating on stupid subjects" fall under

I love how Rally just joined and is having pointless arguments every single day.

the most interesting part is that even though nobody agrees with him he somehow still insists he's in the right
the mind of a moron is an incredible thing

are essays necessary to argue with someone?

Uh, yeah. Do you think you learned how to write persuasive essays in school for kicks? There's a reason they teach you; it's the most effective way to construct a textual argument.