Author Topic: got in bad car crash  (Read 2264 times)

I already posted some of this story in the Car Thread, but I thought I'd make a topic to see if anyone else has had similar experiences/questions about what happened.  And I'm currently not allowed to leave the hospital so I'm downright bored.

I was headed towards my girlfriends which is down a 65mph highway.  It was raining pretty steadily but not too heavily, I was in the furthest left lane traveling about 60mph in 6th gear (my car makes ~530whp), cruise control is on and both my hands are on the wheel because I know my tires currently have 0 tread on them and honestly I'm trying to get as much traction as possible.  Well that failed terribly and for a second I felt the rear tires lose all traction and immediately afterwords the car throws, and I mean throws, itself 90 degrees to the right.  I try to correct the skid but it was so violent and quick I was already halfway through my first spin before even trying to correct.  After completing the first spin the car flipped twice and stopped when it hit the start of a concrete median.  

Currently waiting on an estimate of repair but I don't believe the car will be totaled.  I've already made my mind up that the car will be sold upon repairs simply because as much fun as it is, keeping my senses to a point that I'm able to competently drive is as a DD simply isn't going to happen.  If anyone here is interested in purchasing feel free to shoot me a PM, I'm not entirely sure what I'll ask for it but I'll definitely be losing quite a bit of investment.

I myself have a broken nose, a few cracked ribs, not sure yet whats forgeted up with my shoulder but definitely something, and some pretty severe whiplash.  It could have ended much worse if another vehicle had collided with me, or had the flip not slowed my down before striking the median, I'm honestly lucky to be alive.

oh my god
I hope you don't have anything really debilitating, do you have any sort of idea when you'll be able to get out of the hospital?

oh my god
I hope you don't have anything really debilitating, do you have any sort of idea when you'll be able to get out of the hospital?

I should be leaving the day after tomorrow if everything goes over well.

the only real concern is my shoulder, i may have severely damaged a nerve and I've already lost most of my strength in that arm in the past day.

damn broh, get well soon!

Oh dang. Sucks about your car, but sucks even more that you're injured. Hope you heal up fast, man. :/

this is the kind of stuff im afraid of

Wow dude that sucks
I hope the car's OK. Hope you're OK dude!

are you alive? or are you a ghost talking to us? i hate ghosts

You should do something about the bricks on top of the doors. When you walk I notice the camera collides with it and zooms in on the player.

hot damn get well
You should do something about the bricks on top of the doors. When you walk I notice the camera collides with it and zooms in on the player.
what the hell lol

holy stuff dude that's crazy. it must've been terrifying being in that

You should do something about the bricks on top of the doors. When you walk I notice the camera collides with it and zooms in on the player.
stalker alert

what kind of car do you drive