
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161766 times)

Depends on which positions you enjoy playing. Rengo can be played Top/Jungle, while Lucian is an ADC. Both are fun.
If you like deleting people, Rengar.
If you like dueling as an ADC and fun teamfights, Lucian. You can also play him as an AP/AD mid to a lesser extent, but ive never tried it.

I laugh at people who solo/duoq normals hahahahahahaha
Play ranked friend.
Only if 2 or more friends are on
Heh, i'm not a masochist, idk about you though. Not gonna bother complaining about the vermin there. Not touching it again until I can hard carry a team and get close to the ideal amount of cs per minute.

I find myself getting too annoyed at others when I play ranked.
Not to say that i always play perfectly but it just seems like other people play a lot less perfectly lol

I find myself getting too annoyed at others when I play ranked.
Not to say that i always play perfectly but it just seems like other people play a lot less perfectly lol
You're not wrong.
The only problems occur when you don't recognize when you really did forget up.
Some Examples:

This may be an old match but it perfectly highlights what you said as true and also the reason why I hate playing ranked. Warmog's is a good item for Janna, right?

In this match, two of my teammates flamed me the entire game for going first pick Vel'Koz, it was the Garen and Rengar. My favorite quote is "Let me farm in Jungle and I'll get really powerful!"
These matches happen and as frustrating as it might be, you just have to deal with them, but this isn't to say I was innocent.

In the first match my fatal flaw was not grouping as much as I should, I could have pushed more, and just been far more active but I wasn't.

In the second match I shouldn't have argued with my team, focused more on staying out of trouble with the enemy mid laner and jungler, and stopped playing "the defender" by trying to save lost causes.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 06:00:41 PM by Alphadin »

i play ranked in spurts, usually i do a ton of normals then do 3/4 ranked games. ranked matches can be pretty strange in bronze 3/4

i play ranked in spurts, usually i do a ton of normals then do 3/4 ranked games. ranked matches can be pretty strange in bronze 3/4
I'm way too scared to play my next two ranked games because they determine if I'm getting the hell outta bronze. It only takes 1 win to advance, but bronze is a magical place of losses, tears, and flashes

how many wins do you have?

how many wins do you have?
In total?
10 wins out of 19 matches.
In my promos? 2 wins out of 3 matches.
Garen has a perfect win-game ratio for me so I might just take the safe road there.
Same goes for Leona

ladies and gents, the mother of all throws..i went 10/2 in lane and it all went downhill from there

Objective/Vision control and CS won the game it seems. I didnt see the game, but it looks like Riven got caught out a bit more than she should have...

Edit: Wait nevermind, they didnt even upgrade their trinkets
aint that a bitch

In my experience, trinket upgrades are good, but they rarely make the difference.

In my experience, trinket upgrades are good, but they rarely make the difference.
It's really helpful for people that are lazy and dont like to buy wards (like myself) and can get that extra one.