
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164235 times)

gp is so much fun and then they killed him off???!?!?!?

Not trying to troll or anything but is this game similar to diablo/torchlight with the whole top down thing?
I like those games and this looks like a fun game to play with friends c:

it's not really anything like those games. the control style is more related to that of an rts.
just imagine you're playing an rts but with control of only a hero unit, and your main focus is to level up and improve that hero unit and eventually win the game.

tbh i'm pretty sure that his death has something to do with trickster's glass in the market game-mode, lets you disguise as allied champs etc. also he'll prolly be back within' next week, or so I hope. he's fun as stuff lol, although i miss the old voice actor.

Okay, thats not too bad. Hat is silly, but not bad.

Hahaha what!

Played aram as Annie in a game we were kinda back to back with them having the upper hand, and flew in and did a 3 man stun and the game froze. XD Had to exit League and re-enter just to see that the game was over and we had won. Lol

you guys played ad fizz at all? its loads of fun

you guys played ad fizz at all? its loads of fun
I played tanky bruiser Fizz where I build botrk into frozen heart

Lol haven't played this game for weeks
And I see this new GP
His e is a loving gimmick
I hope they disabled him so they fix his e to something eles


holy stuff darius looks crazy now

everyone else looks pretty good too