
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164233 times)

Well, I i'm not  dissing or anything, but if you're  Silver 5, you're not playing near perfectly. Silver is still basically Bronze, but with 4 wards on the map. Anywho, you're putting your own self at risk if you feel like your teammates are going to be like this most of the time and still pick Nasus. You could try picking someone else that has better early-mid game and help your team out more, to be safer.  Not saying Nasus never works, he's a beast. If you still wanna play Nasus(and you seem to be pretty decent with him, no real reason not to), just gotta accept the fact people will 4v5, intentionally or unintentionally.

don't blame team for losing
try to focus on yourself more and maybe then you'll actually rank up
this too, working on it myself

people should play olaf more, if you build lifesteal for him hes so fun
I've actually been considering picking either him or Vi up, for jungling. There's also Lucian but eeeeeh.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 08:10:25 PM by Shadowed999 »

My biggest pet peve is people who dont get the role they wanted and have to support and instead of supporting they CS take kills and basically try to play what role they wanted only in the bot lane, its incredibly annoying and makes it hard for me as an adc main to manage my farm

Well, I i'm not  dissing or anything, but if you're  Silver 5, you're not playing near perfectly. Silver is still basically Bronze, but with 4 wards on the map. Anywho, you're putting your own self at risk if you feel like your teammates are going to be like this most of the time and still pick Nasus. You could try picking someone else that has better early-mid game and help your team out more, to be safer.  Not saying Nasus never works, he's a beast. If you still wanna play Nasus(and you seem to be pretty decent with him, no real reason not to), just gotta accept the fact people will 4v5, intentionally or unintentionally.

don't blame team for losingthis too, working on it myself
I've actually been considering picking either him or Vi up, for jungling. There's also Lucian but eeeeeh.
I was gold 3 on LAN. My MMR reset when I used the free transfer back to NA. The common theme is I lose if mid feeds. If mid doesn't feed, I win. Silver elo is hard because people have very little game knowledge and don't know what they're doing at all. Fed mid laners are annoying as forget because I typically have to stack armor early vs what the enemy likely picks top lane, so if our mid goes 0/15, I can't do much when a fizz jumps on me and takes out half my health with e w q.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 09:30:29 PM by Cappytaino »

i got to bronze 1 :D

silver here i come

gratz, flush
play mid then

or jungle and then camp mid hard

My biggest pet peve is people who dont get the role they wanted and have to support and instead of supporting they CS take kills and basically try to play what role they wanted only in the bot lane, its incredibly annoying and makes it hard for me as an adc main to manage my farm
i forgetin love playing support
i only take cannon minions :( (relic shield op!!1111)

Well I stopped getting mad at ranked and went on a mega win streak and climbed almost 2 divisions. I've just started filling and letting everyone have their best role because I know I can play any role better than silvers, so I just let everyone have their optimal role and play my heart out at whatever is left and be extra nice and the past five wins have been the easiest games of my life.

I just got a toxic adc when I was filling as support, so I just muted her and carried :)

Silver is so easy when I'm not tilting

have you guys seen the theories for the new champion?

so this symbol is showing up on the pbe, the file is called "They are coming"

it shows up randomly above your champion 10-15 seconds into the game

four months ago a champion concept "Dhama" was posted on the league boards with a similar shaped thing to the symbol on the pbe


it all fits together pretty well, I think this champ concept looks sweet and I would love to see it in-game. also a person from riot said they would show it to the champion design team so that helps the theory out as well.

If next champ is Dha'Ma I'll stuff myself.

If the passive is another "stack to 3 and then stuff happens" thing, I'm throwing my laptop out the window.

been spamming arams with 5 people for that sweet ip