
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161472 times)

why don't people play sion much

edit: i played another

idk why people say he isn't good, you just tank everything

i tanked all 3 inhib turrets in a row with no minions one of my recent games and got out with little under half health
« Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 11:04:42 PM by Obliviongate20 »

Patch 4.20 (blaze it) is scheduled to November 20th.

Patch 4.20 (blaze it) is scheduled to November 20th.
Actually the reason for the downtime is patch 4.20; It'll be out later today.

Actually the reason for the downtime is patch 4.20; It'll be out later today.

Nope. The current downtime is hardware maintenance and they have separately announced that tomorrow will be another downtime due to the patch.

I made it to level 30!
I can't start ranked yet as I only own 12 champions so feel free to gift me one or something :)

Edit: made another video, sick annie outplay imo
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 11:20:13 AM by Ticonderoga »

that new thresh skin is so cool

not like thresh already has a million skins where some (cough) velkoz (cough) have very little cool skins

and blood moon elise kind of ruins the theme, she has no mask.

thresh has only his release skin and championship also elise has a mask on her forehead just like akali

kalista is so much fun late game
the damage is insane

kalista is so much fun late game
the damage is insane
2 aspensive tho

new jungle is hard any tips?
i came up with some decent strats but idk its weird
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 12:48:24 AM by Ticonderoga »

welp, dont like this patch honestly. they made it impossible to come back from any games because of the snowballing mechanics that were added

welp, dont like this patch honestly. they made it impossible to come back from any games because of the snowballing mechanics that were added
yeah i've noticed that too, the enemy gets a small lead but its enough to win dragon fights and then they start stacking dragon and just get more and more powerful from that, plus a baron is basically gg every time

bout to play my first ranked game wish me luck
didnt go well
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 11:33:42 AM by Ticonderoga »

2 aspensive tho

new jungle is hard any tips?
i came up with some decent strats but idk its weird

I'll guide you. Some champs are worse at jungling and some champs are better, for example I tried nasus 2 times and I couldnt do the basic route.

my setup:

non-sustain (trundle, evelynn, kha, etc. (still very experimental))
krugs-red-raptors (B) -> blue, then gromp or wolves or gank. depends alot.
gromp-blue-wolves (B) ->red then raptors or krugs or gank. depends too
(i havent tried this method yet)

sustain (warwick, maybe heca, NOT NASUS)
krugs-red-raptors-blue-> and so far. depends if the jungler needs lvl 6 to become efficient, for example fiddle or warwick.

what ive heard that ww and the others can start red and go straight to blue.