
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161452 times)

that portal is going to be the most annoying thing for top

place them by the turret / behind you and it's constant little midgets

For the first time in a normal game of league I got 20 stacks on both mejai's and sword of the occult
on leona support

Well, Rek'Sai is pretty good. Just won a game top as her.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why people stop playing this game before even being ranked.

But it's okay, they have a level 20!

tfw someone on your team feeds a xin zhao to the point he's 8/0 before the end of laning and you can't do anything to contest dragons because the xin is there and he will forget you up if you go near him.

I hate when people feed  and make it so hard to work around the feed. I went 6/1 in lane, but I was too squishy to fight the xin because I was playing Diana.

One of my biggest champ select pet peeves:
Team needs a top lane tank.
Last pick is nasus.

"sweet nasus, we needed a tank"
"im gonna build ap nasus"
"no dude we need a tank"
"dude seriously we dont have a tank"
"just trust"

like no WE need a tank

god damn
so i pick katarina
enemy picks tristana mid
she has a cancel for my ult
I can't out poke her my q for her e
bullies in lane so hard
and when she gets ult, literally one hits me the minute we both hit six.

I thought riot said they toned down ap trist...
an even lane turned out to be horrible for me just because she can jump away from or onto me, bully me, and e r ignite me and i just die without being able to do anything

I just found out lissandra is the best champion for me.

I prefer her as either support or ADC because all of lissandra's abillities slow and stun enemies, witch is useful as forget to save allies.


The 2nd and 3rd games were my best.

god forget ap trist mid
and forget people that make you play support and then complain when you're not madlife

I just found out lissandra is the best champion for me.

I prefer her as either support or ADC because all of lissandra's abillities slow and stun enemies, witch is useful as forget to save allies.


The 2nd and 3rd games were my best.
do you really mean adc or just you play bot lane but still build ap...

do you really mean adc or just you play bot lane but still build ap...
I'd assume he still builds ap, liss has a really short aa range and her passive would do nothing for an aa based build. That's like building ad soraka or something.

Fizz my new love. So much fun, and easy to play. Doin such huge stomps.

smurf is 4/0 in placements, only faced silvers so far