
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 173249 times)

My adc goes 26/9/12. I go 2/5/32. We still lose somehow.

1 - 1 so far yay..
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 11:16:14 AM by Flush535 »

1 - 1 so far yay..

I got 7-3. Ended up from gold III to gold I.

be grateful they aren't ranked matches
I can't play ranked, I'm level 22.

Although for some reason whenever I'm TF someone hardcore feeds on my team.  I'm convinced I'm cursed.

this is getting ridiculous

kills mean jackstuff if you let the game go on for almost an hour, everyone will be able to itemize at which point the team that knows to take objectives over kills will win

when everyone has +15k gold it doesnt matter who has the most kills

bwuuuuuuh ;~;

my placements are going sooo bad

Well I clambered out of silver right quick so that's good

this is getting ridiculous

Listen. The game doesnt work on a curve Play->Get Fed->Win.

If you have the majority of kills on TF and they take you down, its not a surprise that they win. After getting kills you have to focus on objectives such as towers or dragons.

Listen. The game doesnt work on a curve Play->Get Fed->Win.

If you have the majority of kills on TF and they take you down, its not a surprise that they win. After getting kills you have to focus on objectives such as towers or dragons.
I already climbed out of bronze once,  from bronze 5 up to silver 2, then this season my provisonals were terribad and I got placed bronze 2, it's so different in Bronze, everyone just chases kills and plays super aggro all the time even if they  shouldn't, it's easy to get fed but hard to carry imo

I already climbed out of bronze once,  from bronze 5 up to silver 2, then this season my provisonals were terribad and I got placed bronze 2, it's so different in Bronze, everyone just chases kills and plays super aggro all the time even if they  shouldn't, it's easy to get fed but hard to carry imo

get fed -> kill enemy -> take objective -> win